Example sentences of "from [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Durkheim then sought to show that the movement from repressive to restitutive forms of law , from those based on penal sanctions to those aimed at restoration of relations before the law was violated , was indicative of a transition from a society based on ‘ mechanical solidarity ’ , or shared values , to a society founded on ‘ organic solidarity ’ , or functional interdependence .
2 Right through the postwar decades there has been a steady flow of labour from the rural to urban areas , from agricultural to non-agricultural occupations .
3 Pressure to limit unplanned high-density urban sprawl was the more acute because , in the fifteen years before 1908 , 500,000 acres of land passed from agricultural to building use , mostly on the fringes of existing urban areas .
4 In the industrialized countries political problems have a different character , for although , as I have shown , economic growth is still a major objective , this does not involve the kind of social upheaval which accompanies rapid industrialization and the transition from agricultural to industrial production ; and it is pursued in a context of other political concerns .
5 This was followed in 1988 by a reform of the Community Budget in which steps were taken to shift expenditure from agricultural to the structural funds , that is those concerned with regional and social matters , and the expenditure rules were recast so as to concentrate such structural spending on the poorest regions .
6 To change from clockwise to anticlockwise it must go through a third dimension to become a mirror image .
7 It channels energies , it is expensive to set up , the outcomes are predictable only in the most general terms , and the value of those outcomes may range , in the long term , from outstanding to negligible .
8 As he points out , ‘ [ e ] ven in an idealized market system , consumer control over them ranges from weak to non-existent , except to impose least-cost decisions ’ .
9 The length scale over which the change from turbulent to non-turbulent ( rotational to irrotational ) motion occurs is the size of these eddies , and so the interface appears very sharp on the scale of the flow as a whole .
10 When the Board finally shifted from historic to current cost accounting in the same year , this had dramatic effect on the comparative costs .
11 It is estimated that there are 7,000 inmates in Britain 's prisons requiring specific help for mental disorder , and while it is possible for prisoners to receive psychiatric treatment from visiting consultants while in prison , facilities on the whole are poor and the environment is far from conducive to improving a person 's mental state .
12 Work circumstances happened to change coincidentally from full-time to part-time just after his birth .
13 The third is the growth of modular-credit schemes reinforced by a shift from student grants to loans , from full-time to part-time study , from young to mature entrants , all of which may have an impact — though one difficult to discern — on the breadth and structure of studies .
14 John Wark , vice president of marketing , believes the future of the market lies in the merging of relational and object oriented techniques : ‘ the move from relational to object oriented would be more of a sideways move than from hierarchical to relational .
15 Another concern of Laing 's is the shift from private to institutional shareholders .
16 Each issue gives balanced treatment to the four skills , with the emphasis always moving from receptive to productive skills .
17 The Gauge Commission 's report said , essentially , that the broad gauge was technically superior but that there was much more narrow gauge track built and so conversion from broad to narrow gauge would be easier .
18 Contests over children 's entrance into and exit from the care of the state are moving from administrative to judicial control .
19 At a later stage the emphasis was switched from administrative to programme measurement ( which — as costs may be spread amongst numerous departmental sections as well as outside agencies such as local authorities or quangos — is usually much more difficult ) .
20 Careful reading showed that at best there was 10 per cent heat unaccounted for , but big numbers appeared because Fleischmann and Pons had ‘ extrapolated to rods 10 cm long ’ ( their actual rod in this example had been only 1.25 cm ) without saying what rule they had used to make the extrapolation from measured to assumed .
21 Reflections from the underlying sediments , which range in age from Cambrian to Westphalian , suggest they are more or less flat-lying though faulted .
22 This process of maturation from ahumic to organic soils takes hundreds or thousands of years ; time is an important component ( Ugolini , 1986 ) .
23 unc Reversing from vulgar to decimal fractions needs care with place values .
24 Thus the change from feudal to capitalist society stemmed from the emergence , during the feudal epoch , of the forces of production of industrial society .
25 The intention was to change the tone of the activity from retrospective to forward-looking , thus emphasising its constructive nature and again reducing any threat ( especially to senior staff ) .
26 Five-ton Sahib turned from frigid to frisky during a specially-staged concert of rousing tunes .
27 The great achievement of the early survey researchers was to provide and encourage the development of techniques for surveying large populations cheaply and within calculable degrees of accuracy ; although to a large degree the emphasis in social science has shifted from descriptive to analytic surveys , the legacies of sampling and survey design remain .
28 Rhine Riesling runs the gamut from dry to sweet , but it is generally dry .
29 The Assisted Places Scheme was created , whereby pupils can be transferred from maintained to particular independent schools , with the government p paying part or all of the tuition fees ; the Secretary of State was authorised to establish the details of the scheme by issuing regulations .
30 Modern commercial brands of fish foods come in a variety of shapes , sizes and colour and ranges from flake to pellets and from freeze-dried to frozen .
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