Example sentences of "his [noun] about " in BNC.

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1 Now she took care to change the subject and what could be more natural than to talk to the vet and his sister about Faustina and to speculate on what she might be doing at this moment .
2 With a security alert in operation at the GCHQ national security establishment , a suspected mole is mysteriously killed and linguist Bob Jones confides his misgivings about the intelligence business to his father Frank .
3 Under Clifford , Palmer bided his time , keeping to himself his misgivings about the governor 's achievements in centralization , and exerting himself openly only to oppose Clifford 's proposal that lawyers should be allowed to plead in the provincial courts , thereby unacceptably diluting what had been under Lugard the Resident 's almost unrestricted jurisdiction over them .
4 He did this on the advice of his father , who shared his misgivings about travelling on a passport in that name .
5 On Luke 's advice , she had n't mentioned any of his misgivings about the deal she had struck , and the woman now behaved towards her with a patronising graciousness that Folly found intensely irritating .
6 It was refreshing to hear the hon. and learned Member for Burton ( Mr. Lawrence ) express his misgivings about this part of the Bill .
7 After I 've stopped chucking and coughing they restart the video and we cut to the other scene and the tall hospital chair and the little guy again with empty eyes and McDunn says his bit about Persistent Vegetative State .
8 Liz Fisher talks to his successor about the Group and life at the country 's biggest pensions provider
9 He poured out his heart about the faithlessness of Israel , his own loyalty to God , his loneliness in his dangerous situation , and a feeling that he alone was left to defend the divine cause .
10 To understand Wesker 's determination to see Shylock produced it is salutary to consider his views about Shakespeare 's The Merchant Of Venice .
11 After the meal , Stirling had a private conversation with the Prime Minister , and put forward his views about the future of his unit in strong terms .
12 This scenario is in many ways similar to Charles Handy 's Work Society , but , whereas Handy based his vision on his views about what values ought to prevail in post-industrial society , Gershuny 's picture is built up from an analysis of economic trends .
13 He became a Congregational minister , but his views about God 's inclusive care for the ‘ ’ heathen ’ and his views about the divine revelation in the Bible , brought him into conflict with the narrow-mindedness of some of his congregation , and in 1893 he left the ministry to devote himself to writing .
14 He became a Congregational minister , but his views about God 's inclusive care for the ‘ ’ heathen ’ and his views about the divine revelation in the Bible , brought him into conflict with the narrow-mindedness of some of his congregation , and in 1893 he left the ministry to devote himself to writing .
15 Afterwards the boy 's father decided to consult the local policeman to ask his views about the affair .
16 In the unlikely setting of an adult education evening class for would-be comics , a once-famous comedian puts forward his views about what comedy should do .
17 And yet Golding is nothing like a political novelist in terms of British domestic politics , and his views about political parties , whatever they are , are not publicly a part of his fiction .
18 Howard explains , hesitatingly , about how he is trying to establish contact , through parties like this , with as wide a cross-section as possible of people who sort of share his views about the world , and to act as a sort of focus of dissent and as a sort of clearing-house for sort of new ideas .
19 Aesthetics is a topic I have previously discussed only with my cosmetic dentist , Mrs McGilchrist ( as in " the aesthetics are going to cost you on this one " ) , and with the odd deluded lighting-cameraman who might have his views about the aesthetics of a Bulky Bar dissolve , a Rumpburger close-up , a Zaparama zoom .
20 I was going to ask the Chancellor whether his views about defeating inflation apply to house price inflation .
21 And anyway I 'm going to leave that on one side now because it 's more erm a problem to reconciling Mill 's views about liberty with his views about a proper government rather than directly about governments , so I 'm just going to note that and move on now .
22 Well er , the patient has his views about what
23 Nor are all his yarns about stately homes and ladies in grey .
24 His fingers about the stem of his glass tightened .
25 But then his honesty about being HIV-positive is touchingly real and anything but theatrical .
26 The policeman stamped on Benn 's head three times and then fabricated his notes about the incident .
27 Corbett went back to his notes about Lady Eleanor 's death , twisting and turning them .
28 He was no longer particularly interested in the work of younger writers ; this was partly because he no longer felt confident in his judgments about contemporary writing but , at a more general level , he believed there had been a profound falling off in the standard of both literature and criticism since the Second World War .
29 It is also a warning to all hack Tories who think that it is a telling blow against Kinnock to keep on pointing out that he has reversed his opinions about unilateral nuclear disarmament , British membership of the EC , or anything else .
30 Eventually I interrupted the diatribe to point out that I was paying him to take me to the newspaper , not for his opinions about it .
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