Example sentences of "we know [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We 've bailed each other out and bolstered each other up , we know without asking , so it would have been pointless trying to hide it from her when I first discovered the lumps eighteen months ago .
2 ‘ We have only to put together in the right way what we know without adding anything , and the satisfaction we are trying to get from the explanation comes of itself . ’
3 We know with some confidence that if greenhouse gases continue to be emitted in their present quantities , we will experience unprecedented rates of sea-level rise .
4 We know with what confidence it must have been made .
5 These remarks , as they stand , are sweeping generalisations based upon the narrowest of samples ; nevertheless we know with the wisdom of hindsight that the trends in question were definitely there in the 19th century and would become even more obvious in the 20th — that families would be smaller , and that the survival rate would improve dramatically .
6 He knows more about it than what we know with these instruments .
7 We need to make sure that that pressure stays on because urban areas , as we know with the City Challenge bid and others , have got distinct and unique problems which we need to address .
8 We need to make sure that that pressure stays on because urban areas , as we know with the City Challenge bid and others , have got distinct and unique problems which we need to address .
9 We know at least that we are to have a common centrally determined curriculum for maintained secondary schools .
10 The way we know at all as human beings means not only that none of us knows everything but that none of us knows absolutely why we know anything .
11 As we know at the Vienna settlement , Belgium was put under er er er er essentially under Dutch rule .
12 He never came back — that 's all we know at present . ’
13 Theoretically , we might expect this to be so , since the same environment tends to support the same kind of organisms , but in fact the persistence of some fossils appears to go far beyond what we know at the present day .
14 We know at Wharram Percy in Yorkshire , for example , that the medieval village was fitted into a prehistoric and Roman field system ( Fig.30 ) , and at Hound Tor on Dartmoor the medieval hamlet was built around a Bronze Age settlement and its fields ( Fig. 47 ) .
15 KPMG should not be associated with an Investment Overview which we know at the time of issue to be misleading or factually incorrect .
16 We will know by the first of April this year rather more than we know at the moment but you 're right it can go up and down , but there are lots of budgets in Social Services which are subject to this and it 's part of our job to try and manage that during the course of the year .
17 ‘ The test has shown positive , but as far as we know at the moment it could have come from many different sources . ’
18 We know at the moment we 're under boundary changes .
19 Given this , we must recognize that knowledge of appearances is not , in itself , such a worthless thing ; what we know on the basis of sense-experience is perfectly good for many purposes .
20 Indeed their sacred works contain passages that state bluntly that God is completely beyond our understanding and completely unlike anything which we know on earth .
21 It really was about these characters we know on the club scene .
22 There were of , course , side effects especially with the poisonous remedies such as Arsenicum , and the desire to eliminate these toxic effects led him to develop , in 1815 , the method of trituration and subsequent liquid dilution and succussion , we know as the centesimal potencies .
23 This true story of a young Ayrshire doctor starts in that vast country we know as Russia , 275 years ago , during the reign of Czar Peter the Great .
24 Having crossed the river , Coilus and his men retreated northwards past what are now Coylton and Trabboch , towards the places we know as Failford and Tarbolton .
25 In later years , the post developed into an early version of that we know as Chancellor of the Exchequer .
26 All of my experience has been gained on what we know as the fast jets ; in the air defence role I have worked on the Lightning and in the ground attack role with both the Jaguar and Tornado .
27 Perhaps ironically , more general social scientific studies of children , child care and family life have rarely been drawn upon to inform and clarify what we know as a basis for discussions of child abuse .
28 The purpose here essentially is to outline what we know as a prelude to tackling the themes and patterns which emerge in a more analytical way in subsequent chapters .
29 There was an hors-d'oeuvre of eggs and anchovies , there were hot grilled fresh sardines to follow , the vegetable course was côtes de blettes , the rib parts of those enormous leaves of the spinach family which we know as chard and which are much cultivated in the Rhône valley ; the leaves themselves are cooked in the same way as spinach , the fleshy stalks and ribs were , on this occasion , sautéd in olive oil and flavoured with garlic and were delicious .
30 In short , it is the frame rather than the picture which establishes the mode of appreciation we know as art .
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