Example sentences of "we not [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Should we not also still go for the , if we can , the one and a half times they work Saturdays ?
2 Are we not well enough aware that on the screen , as on the page , good news is no news ?
3 Why did we not just stop and camp ?
4 Could we not just put
5 could we not just circulate them ?
6 Erm , can we not just toss some thoughts
7 Well Terry confirmed that to me yesterday cos I asked the question could we not just run it
8 But here also we can not predict how the couplet will proceed ; not only do we not yet know the grammatical or syntactic pattern of the next line , or its lexical contents , but , more importantly , we do not know what kind of a relationship what we have read will bear to what we have yet to read .
9 May we not reasonably suppose that it had migrated from the central regions of this vast continent , which has yet much in store for future discovery ?
10 If a Government who embraced the social charter were returned from the Opposition parties , would we not soon be back in those waters and simply become an industrial desert ?
11 Hooker , in a now famous passage , asked : ‘ see we not plainly that obedience of creatures unto the law of nature is the stay of the whole world ? ’
12 Instead of agonising over an indefinable concept of pain , why do we not simply study the individual 's efforts to stabilise its internal environment and then aid it or , at least , not intrude on those efforts without good reason ?
13 Why then can we not simply say that topless ( a ) and topless ( b ) are different ( although perhaps related ) lexemes ?
14 Should we not rather be appalled at their heedless and destructive course through a world where people daily perish within sight of their conspicuous profligacy ?
15 Ought we not rather to think in terms of partially intersecting views of context ?
16 Do we not immediately , and quite naturally , set about constructing some circumstances ( i.e. a ‘ context ’ ) in which the sentence could be acceptably used ?
17 For example , why do we not nowadays extensively see remedies causing ‘ more harm the larger the dose ’ ? after all the average dose from a tablet used today is approximately 50 times the dose of Hahnemann 's small granule .
18 ‘ We can hardly leave Landor here with her — think what might happen , on days like today , were we not here to be a calming influence ! ’
19 Are we not already too many , simply too many , to be able to change the patterns deliberately ?
20 Have we not already witnessed on the television his Scargill-type debate on the floor of the House during MPs ' Question Time ?
21 Are we not deliciously innocent ? ’
22 From a late twentieth-century perspective are we not more likely to disregard than dissect him ?
23 This sense of self is quite robust : when we wake up , we not only remember what we know , but also who we are .
24 True independence and self-determination come from recognising that we not only have responsibility for ourselves , but also obligations to others .
25 In normal or right sexuality , argues Scruton , we not only give recognition to the other 's person in and through our desire tor him or her , we also accord them accountability and care in the process .
26 Hence , we not only need to eat and drink , but we also enjoy it ; and friendships not only give us the security of being in a group , but also pleasure .
27 From our point of view , empathy is the most valuable form of communication with the horse , for we not only have insight into how the horse feels , but we intuitively understand the horse 's other forms of communication , like verbal messages and body language .
28 When we handle a young horse correctly , we not only caress it , hold it , and stroke it , and pick up its feet ; but we teach it to lead .
29 We not only provide practice in analysing experiences , but give students a glimpse of a more humane society and urge them to push back the boundaries that inhibit them . ’
30 Like the mouse in the poem , when we consume more than our fair share of the earth 's resources , we not only force our brothers and sisters in other countries to go without , but we damage ourselves as well .
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