Example sentences of "we all a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You gave us all a start , ’ Rose said happily .
2 A tall muscular Lance-Corporal ( I think ) in a red beret and camouflage suit stepped into the doorway of the coach , gave us all a knowing look , and stepped out and nodded us through the outer gate .
3 Their wide flexibility and safety leave silent many of the old arguments about repetition and potency choice , allowing us all a very free and individual approach to their use .
4 Clarke would do us all a big service if , in his next book , he could produce a law that sorts out the predictions that are too spineless from those that assume the human race to be capable of too much ,
5 At the end of the EFL training course I did in London , a British Council type gave us all a pep talk before we were packed off to Ankara or Kuala Lumpur .
6 ‘ And buy us all a drink .
7 Steve Pyle has not only done us all a favour ; he has done you one , Mr Laing .
8 And it has given us all a richer life .
9 But perhaps the royal sisters-in-law have done us all a favour by chipping away at these hypocritical accolades .
10 Christine said , ‘ He 's using ‘ Du' ’ to address us , as though he 's known us all a long time . ’
11 That type of ‘ Little Englander ’ policy displays an ignorance of commercial reality which will cost us all a very high price in the longer term .
12 Certainly this is a month of trials and tribulations but I suspect what will be rooted up , thrashed out and spat out will do us all a favour in the end .
13 ‘ But give us all a chance and we will soon repay such faith . ’
14 Unplug the drum machine and do us all a favour .
15 Why do n't you get us all a drink , darling ? ’
16 The circulation of Good Housekeeping keeps going up and up , which gives us all a great buzz .
17 The fat Corporal had accompanied us to Lille station , bought us all a beer , and joined us on the train .
18 ‘ I 'll make us all a cup of coffee , shall I ?
19 I 'm getting paranoid about that , determined not to sign anything , worried that maybe I already have when they first brought me here and said it was just a receipt for personal effects or a legal-aid application or whatever , and I worry about them getting me to sign something when I 'm tired and they 've been interviewing me in shifts and all I want to do is go to bed and sleep and they say oh do us all a favour and sign this and you can sleep , come on now ; it 's just a formality you can always deny it later , change your mind , but you ca n't you ca n't of course , they 're lying and you ca n't ; I even worry about signing something in my sleep , or them hypnotising me and getting me to do it that way ; hell , I do n't know what they get up to .
20 It gave us all a terrible shock .
21 ‘ Just getting us all a little something . ’
22 The extraordinary collection of 20th century art that opens this month to the public at New Hall , Cambridge gives us all a chance to see how rich this history is and much of what we have been missing .
23 Away with the bloody lot and do us all a favour .
24 Eadred coolly agreed , informed us that food would be sent across and bade us all a courteous good night .
25 Save us all a lot of red faces . ’
26 ‘ Then ca n't you just give in gracefully and save us all a lot of trouble ? ’
27 Whether Dr Neil had noticed her hesitation or not , he said to the little woman — ignoring both Sally-Anne 's anger over his cruelty , and her thanks — which just went to show , she thought crossly , that it was no use trying to placate the unpleasant creatures — ‘ Matey , you will make us all a hot pot of tea , strong and sweet .
28 It has given us all a lift . ’
29 He had said this as if he was doing us all a big favour .
30 The day they told us we were to close gave us all a shock
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