Example sentences of "we be give " in BNC.

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1 We are given some financial support from the government but this doe snot cover all our costs and we therefore depend on gifts from trusts , companies and individuals .
2 Macbeth , short and severely to the point , is not a play onto which you can get much spin , but what we are given here is a treatment devoid of ambiguity .
3 Both individually and collectively we are given many opportunities to achieve that part of the Association 's Dedication that announces ‘ We shall remember them . ’
4 The long history of marriage and the family we are given in The Origin if first and foremost to show that the family and marriage do have a history .
5 Mrs Howard said : ‘ Unless we are given a lot more resources we will not be able to carry out the weekly monitoring required .
6 ‘ If the process is allowed to achieve a more relaxed rhythm of its own and we are given enough time to handle the international consequences , the Soviet leadership probably could live with the kind of confederal links between the two Germanys which are under discussion now . ’
7 However , while I believe Moltmann 's case is unanswerable , it makes no difference to my contention that we are given certain responsibilities to ensure that we do something positive .
8 Suppose we are given some outline drawings of axes .
9 After Peniel , when for a night Jacob also , so unheroic hitherto , played a hero 's part , we are given more subtle comedy and another hero brought down to earth .
10 If we are intended for great ends , we are called to great hazards ; and , whereas we are given absolute certainty in nothing , we must in all things choose between doubt and inactivity , and the conviction that we are under the eye of One who , for whatever reason , exercises us with the less evidence when He might give us the greater .
11 Instead , this is the evidence that God 's forgiveness possesses our lives so powerfully that we are given the strength to forgive others in turn .
12 The psalms help us to interpret this , by reminding us that we are given our heart 's desires when we also delight in God :
13 As it is , we are given five pages which briefly outline the genesis and original publication of the seven essays and only the briefest contextualisation of the pieces within a broader historical framework .
14 In Four years old in an urban community ( 1968 ) and Seven years old in the home environment ( 1976 ) , we are given a detailed picture of the domestic background of a group of young readers and young non-readers , perhaps readers and non-readers in the making .
15 But we are given an insight into the limitations of their cognitive capabilities when we observe a spider responding to a vibrating tuning fork by attempting to wrap it up for food .
16 Through events of different kinds we are likely to be put in touch with aspects of ourselves which previously have been overlooked — we are given a jolt , and have to make a bridge between how things used to be and how they threatened .
17 The constant attention we are given by East Hampshire District council is totally unacceptable .
18 Sometimes we are given glimpses of former existences — whether we recognize them as such or not .
19 We are told the way in which MPs have voted on certain controversial cross-party issues such as abortion and hanging ; we are given the names of those to whom we must say farewell and those we should welcome , but no details whatsoever as to the make up the corps of MPs ' secretaries , that body of sirens from whom the more susceptible among us should be protected .
20 It may sound obvious , but take time to explain to your child that we all become ill from time to time , and we are given medicine to make us well again .
21 But we are given such a huge sweep from birth to incipient death that the movie never draws breath long enough to give us any depth or conflict .
22 Worst of all we are given no true insights into the man or the legend which saw the production of more than 75 films and made a poor boy from Lambeth the most famous and feted individual in the world .
23 ‘ We are going to have to take the stick we are given .
24 We are given a title which carries with it a job or role description that allows us to control and manage others .
25 Mozart 's life and character are well documented by the extensive correspondence that was generated within his family by his frequent travels and we are given a fascinating glimpse into matters both artistic and domestic .
26 It is n't as pretty as we are given to understand in fairy tales . ’
27 As a result we are given one of the most blatant examples of a blonde floozie being added to a film purely for box-office considerations .
28 Once more , we are given only a masculine point of view .
29 Sometimes we are given hints that the goddesses blended with one another , adopting each other 's attributes .
30 We use this to cast light on a metaphor of which we are given no other interpretation .
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