Example sentences of "we [was/were] given " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , we were given the green light — unfortunately , poor Molly was accidentally stepped on a couple of times .
2 One year , we were given an increase of 40p a week on our state pension .
3 We were given some opportunity to explore this when making three visits to police stations in West Belfast , although the data on community policing are unsatisfactory because of the limited number of these contacts and the absence of supportive observational material .
4 The hospitality extended to a good meal , and before leaving we were given the facilities of a nearby chateau , where the jeep driver and I had the luxury of a hot bath , laid on by the local Mayor .
5 We were given three weeks to make ready and our curiosity was heightened when four American cypher sergeants from Headquarters Squadron , Middle East US Forces , were attached to our unit .
6 We were given a sales territory .
7 Imprisonment and becoming refugees had affected us badly and we needed the support we were given .
8 We were given an assiette composee of smoked salmon , pate de campagne , melon , avocado , and crudites , and the fausses rillettes of fresh and smoked salmon with chives , egg yolk , yogurt and lemon juice .
9 Information on crofting income is limited , but we were given data for two examples , which we were warned are not typical .
10 From the very few interviews we conducted we were given to understand that the birth parents would not have opposed adoption if the links could be maintained ( Lambert et al . ,
11 First of all we were given a demonstration .
12 We wanted both detailed accounts and subjective interpretations , and we were given both .
13 When I was at school , we were given spellings to learn every day and were allowed to get two out of ten wrong .
14 Throughout the course we were given tests to help us analyse our weaknesses as listeners .
15 When preparations for the desert were under way , we were given another child , four-month-old Sam .
16 We were given humour to discern our own ridiculous airs and pomposities , and it is even valuable in the transcendent lest we lose ourselves in arrogance and pride and stray far from the real beauty of life .
17 Toward the end of the year , we were given a holiday on a Thursday because the school was being used as a polling station for the General Election .
18 We were given the wrong advice in the first place , ’ says Jeremy Myles of TEM .
19 The canoes had to be carried across and put in on the other side of the dam , then we were given , mini lesson on the art of canoeing in swift water .
20 Nobody knew how to run the longer events , the advice we were given being the same as that I had pontificated for 80 metres back at the White City : start slowly and build up !
21 We were given crêpe paper to make hats , lanterns and crackers , and Mrs Archer would provide us with a sweet or a nut to put in the cracker .
22 A little later Speedbird 486B did us the flavour of relaying our intentions to Bilbao , and we were given a routing via the standard reporting points November One and November and holds while the British Airways flight landed there .
23 That 's where we were given these rosettes ; on the bus .
24 We were given thirty days to come up with our designs .
25 We were given to understand that the A.S.R. boats did not put out on the express orders of the A.O.C. that they would be too vulnerable to air attack .
26 When the time came , I can not say that we followed all of the advice we were given .
27 We were given a thorough training in reading and spelling , in writing and arithmetic , with a weekly lesson in history , geography , nature study and drawing .
28 Two weeks ago we were given hand brushes to dust the machines in front of us .
29 We never had much to eat in ordinary times , but we had less now and us kids were really glad of the extra slice of bread and jam that we were given for our school breakfast .
30 We were given a long account of tritium generation at Mount Mauna Loa and all that and then ‘ by the way here is the neutron spectrum ’ .
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