Example sentences of "we [vb base] as " in BNC.

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1 The word we translate in English as ‘ brother ’ , for instance , would include those we distinguish as ‘ cousins ’ ; similarly a term such as ‘ father ’ might also include paternal ‘ uncles ’ .
2 By producing this Bill , and by everything that they have done , are doing and will do , the Government are endeavouring to give British Coal the time and the means to meet what we perceive as longer-term needs .
3 The urbanity which we perceive as part of Anderson 's character is frequently related to his violations of the maxim of manner .
4 We have described the policies that we advocate as the ’ ethics of community ’ — as something that calls on what is best and most generous in the human spirit .
5 THE goal of individual freedom and the value of society , which we advocate as democratic socialists , is a theory of sustained intellectual force .
6 What is important is that each student is made aware of the chasm which separates the comfortable assumptions we make as teachers and the reality of the world beyond the school walls .
7 But since the initial motion was put forward by the policy and resources committee the question of local government review has become more prominent within the minds of this council and other councils across the country , and I think that issue needs to be addressed before we make as a cou , a council our final decision on the County Farms estate .
8 If we fail to see any need to offer sound moral justifications for treating sentient creatures as mere ‘ commodities ’ , ‘ preparations ’ , ‘ models ’ , or research ‘ tools ’ , then we surely deny that very rationality which we cite as the single quality which elevates humans so far above the other animals .
9 These may in turn be sub-divided ; goods possessed may comprise either the results of private purchase or goods allocated by the state , while goods not possessed tend to fall into two categories : first , those we encounter as material forms , in particular the built environment , the goods of our acquaintances or those in the high street shop , and secondly , goods we do not experience directly , but which appear to us through the media — for example in television , magazines and advertising .
10 It is very rare that we disagree as an industry , but it is equally rare that we speak in a co-ordinated way , ’ he said .
11 So we can classify the six PH stretches we expect as a 1 and b 2 derived from internally symmetric modes and usually labelled ν s S , and a 1 , a 2 , b , and b 2 derived from internally antisymmetric modes and usually labelled ν a .
12 What we all want as individuals is not , in sum , the same as what we want as a community .
13 Thus Mackie is what he calls a ‘ moral sceptic ’ , though he is in favour of continuing to live in the light of moral values and obligations which we acknowledge as a human invention or construction serving widely shared human purposes .
14 The closer we come to the game the more we focus as a group , and the more people drop off the equation .
15 But at another level , if we could show love , respect and acceptance for each other in the magnificent diversity that that we show as women , instead of patronising and attacking each other on the basis of our body shapes , that would be a great step forward !
16 The houses and cottages are of brick or half-timbered , and it has more of a feel of the Midlands than of what we imagine as Gloucestershire .
17 We act as if the anti-Semitism comprehended the Fascism — which would be true only if all Fascists were anti-Semites ( they are n't ) , and if all anti-Semites were Fascists ( even less true ) .
18 When we act as if we already have certain qualities , experiences , relationships , opportunities or material possessions , we exert a powerful magnetic attraction for what we want to come into our lives .
19 In other words , we act as if the brain of one species is very much like that of another .
20 But if we act as if we belong to Jesus Christ then we shall be seen to have that plus and others will be attracted to Jesus Christ through us .
21 We act as a kind of general staff in the war against crime , and we co-ordinate , if we do n't exactly control , the activities of all police forces in the country , particularly when they involve liaison with other services or government departments .
22 We act as separate cells , we need to act as a team .
23 And to ensure that we act as a group and not just a collection of separate offices .
24 We act as back up to the contractors and commissioning teams who call in TSDO to help sort out problems large and small , which I am happy to say we do quickly in the vast majority of cases . ’
25 In drama we act as if we were someone else , or as if we were ourselves in an other situation .
26 We react as members of our civilisation who have absorbed its values through our education and society .
27 He becomes an entertainer , a manipulator whose victories we watch as if hypnotized , seeing both the tricks and the mesmeric effect that they have on the innocent .
28 Interaction between the corpuscles of gold and those of sulphuric acid results in these arrangements being changed , a change we describe as the solution of gold in the acid .
29 More complex still is emotional power , for example , the kind of interaction which we describe as ‘ emotional blackmail ’ , in which one party is made to feel guilty at failing to meet the perceived needs of the elderly person .
30 But it is not necessary to accept totally this interpretation of public policy in order to agree that there may be circumstances in which social control motives mingle with humanitarian motives in creating what we describe as ‘ social policies ’ .
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