Example sentences of "we [vb base] go " in BNC.

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1 The money we make goes directly to patients . ’
2 Our impact on industry through our green works campaign is there for all to see and from that point of view to encase it within the health and safety review is vitally important for all of us when we take the policy back to our members and advise them of the way in which we intend to go forward .
3 Everything will be overshadowed by these events but we intend to go on making the week work as well as we can .
4 Regeling , an Australian international who had guest outings last season at Cleveland Park , said : ‘ We intend to go all out to win everything we can ; we have the team which can win the league providing we avoid bad injuries and bad luck . ’
5 The TV items are being selected on the criteria of level of interest and validity as examples of authentic spoken English ie. we tend to go for ordinary people speaking to camera rather than voice over or straight presentation to camera .
6 If we progress past the 2nd playing round in either — we tend to go a long way … otherwise we tendto get caught cold as it were … and in the FA cup draw the finalists/winners …
7 we tend to go back to feet I must say .
8 Start the way we mean to go on … ’
9 On income tax — ‘ That is the way we mean to go on , taking more and more taxpayers out of the 25p tax by widening the band .
10 Start life as we mean to go on , we 'll go home . ’
11 Right now we better start you off how we mean to go on James , with er a sp a special sticker .
12 I was to perform two of Joyce 's pieces , the first being ‘ Committee ’ , a deadly accurate re-creation of a Northern Ladies Choral Committee meeting convened to axe one of its founder members : ‘ Now , we do n't want any unpleasantness , friendly is what we are and friendly is how we mean to go on … but I think we all know there is one voice in the altos that did not ought to be there .
13 So I says to Pete , right , start as we mean to go on , I refuse to pay any more than the cleanup rate .
14 What I did n't want to do at times was to overload , I wanted to start off with a time limit as we mean to go on and spread it out through the year and so I have put the important things which are to do with the quality system like internal quality audit erm , non- conformances , the corrective action , training and all stuff like that with an audit before and then things like contract print erm , I do n't think we are going to have any problems with I put those for after .
15 We expect to go ahead as 12 , ’ a government official said in London .
16 We thought anyone who dresses up in dresses we want to go and see .
17 It is absurd to ‘ yearn to fly like the birds ’ when we have feet to get us where we want to go .
18 Meese had simply said , ‘ All right , we want to go through the 1985 shipment … well , how the initiative began … then talk to him about this memo of the diversion of funds . ’
19 Mr Gloukhov told their hosts : ‘ We want to go to one of your garden centres so that we can take home seeds for flowers and vegetables . ’
20 To begin with , the Palestinian leadership must conduct an honest and tough critique of the events of the past , of our position at present , and where we want to go from here .
21 We want to go that step further and win the Bledisloe Cup after narrowly missing it in the Second Test against the All Blacks last year ’ , he said .
22 ‘ It 's going where we want to go anyway — ‘
23 Unless we want to go back to the Stone Age , zero pollution is not practical . ’
24 If we want to go further back in history ( and are prepared to be suitably eclectic ) we can find a similarly expressed contrast between Roundheads and Cavaliers .
25 Supposing we have decided , broadly , where we want to go , the problem then becomes how to get there , how to make it happen .
26 " We want to go back , " said Acorn .
27 We can get a lift easy enough when we want to go , ’ Maxted assured me .
28 Today we all have access to the speed , warmth and comfort of cars , buses , trains and planes , if that is we have the money , if there is a service running when we want it to where we want to go and if there is n't already so much traffic ahead of us choking the roads , polluting the atmosphere that we wished we stayed at home .
29 Because that 's not something we want to go through their Conference Office for if we only want to do a meeting ,
30 Still , it usually gets us where we want to go , near enough . ’
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