Example sentences of "but rather [art] " in BNC.

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1 Within the ranks of the clergy and religious orders themselves , there was a far from complete , centralized structure , but rather a dual one .
2 A main real difference in the experience which marked it off from fundamentalist and some pentecostal forms of conversion experience was that the outcome was not the assurance of being saved , but rather a spirituality of trust in Christ based on repentance and the conviction that God forgives repentant sinners .
3 ln that case the last clause — ‘ in that land were we born ’ — is no patriotic bugle-note , but rather a flat acknowledgement of what can not be helped .
4 What intrigues me about that earlier period , especially its drama , is a mode of transgression which finds expression through the inversion and perversion of just those pre-existing categories and structures which its humanist counterpart seeks to transcend , to be liberated from ; a mode of transgression which seeks not an escape from existing structures but rather a subversive reinscription within them , and in the process their dislocation or displacement .
5 It is not as she thinks a desire to ‘ make the most of it ’ , to somehow claim importance , but rather a recognition that in this oppressive society women need the care and emotional support of other women .
6 ‘ Mission is never a destruction but rather a taking up and building afresh . ’
7 However , if part of that heartwood were found on an archaeological site , the radiocarbon result would not provide the date of usage of the wood , but rather a date three hundred radiocarbon years earlier , and more if it has been seasoned before use or re-used .
8 In no manner does the birth of this child put the other out of my mind nor can I accept he is a substitute but rather a reminder as if God wished to show me what I have lost and reprimand me for my carelessness .
9 She tried , but was not pleased with what came out , with the stilted words : — I have been unwell though not of anything infectious but rather a serious lowering of the spirits which I struggle to overcome .
10 These hints had their final expression in an astonishing personal letter written by Knox to Mary on 26 October 1559 , claiming that ‘ if it be the office of a very friend to give true and faithful counsel to them whom he sees run to destruction for lack of the same , I could not be proven enemy to your Grace but rather a friend unfeigned ’ — even if moderation was never Knox 's strong suit and so , unable to keep up the quiet tone of the letter , he felt impelled to throw in a postscript : ‘ God move your heart yet in time to consider that ye fight not against man , but against the eternal God , and against his Son Jesus Christ , the only Prince of the kings of the earth . ’
11 The major management concern according to Peters is not a concern with techniques but rather a concern with people , and with the division between management and non-management .
12 Mental activity becomes , not the movement of a disembodied sprite anxiously wandering the corridors of the brain , but rather a mode of relating by which the organism contacts , interprets , and acts on its world .
13 The late Bob Hedges , of the Royal Postgraduate Medical School at Hammersmith , a pioneer of plasmid research , suggested almost 20 years ago that bacterial evolution has not been linear , as in higher organisms , but rather a patchwork , with organisms drawing from a communal gene pool .
14 Something to do with control of terrorism I surmised , but rather a pointless exercise given the haphazard nature of public transport in Peru .
15 In the possibility that it might be useful , I documented in his record what we talked about , and my view , as a psychiatrist , that he was absolutely lucid , and that his judgment was not impulsive , but rather a carefully thought through and well-considered decision which I felt should be respected .
16 Second , the patient 's right to self-determination , in other words , becomes not a matter of legal principle , but rather a consequence of the degree of paternalism exercised by the doctor , supported by societal attitudes which reinforce such paternalism .
17 In these circumstances , one can scarcely talk about planning , but rather a response to ‘ inescapable commitments ’ .
18 From this point of view deviance is not a quality of the act a person commits , but rather a consequence of the application by others of rules and sanctions to an offender .
19 It is with sincere people such as these in mind that this leaflet has been written — not to ride roughshod over a sincerely held belief but rather to confirm the absolute necessity of finding Purgatory , but not a Purgatory that is arrived at after death which is the popular view , but rather a Purgatory that is found before death which is the proper view according to God 's guide , the Holy Bible .
20 Therefore when he refers to the sphere of circulation here he does not have in mind market relations , but rather a system of planned production and exchange , which may or may not have included some form of monetary accounting .
21 This particular passage is Bukharin at his sophistical worst , since he rails against the ‘ freedom to labour ’ in a manner that dodges the real freedom that workers can obtain by forming trade unions ; this was not a negation of the ‘ freedom to labour ’ , but rather a redefinition of that freedom in a positive manner .
22 Not Beethoven playing for everyday listening perhaps , but rather a fine wine , to be pondered over , and deliberated upon at length before its true quality most fully reveals itself .
23 It 's asking a good deal , but rather a lot depends on it . ’
24 Polish nationalism , as Rosa Luxemburg pointed out to Lenin on several occasions , was unusual in that it was not primarily a bourgeois phenomenon , but rather a substitute for ideology taken over from the szlachta by the Polish peasantry as they and the lower ranks of the gentry coalesced to form an industrial working class and a commercial bourgeoisie.14 An important component of Polish political life , and part of the damage wrought by partition , was the continuing failure to produce an ideology that went beyond the purely national to link the aspiration to exist as an independent nation with either capitalist organisation or a socialist vision of society .
25 MATURITY IS : Recognising that it is not a commitment to self which brings happiness in life but rather a commitment to others .
26 What we have is not one , ongoing Parliament , but rather a series of parliaments , each now limited in its life to five years ( Parliament Act 1911 , s.7 ) .
27 And Bretons and Basques tell us that being French is not a unitary condition , but rather a state of dynamic equilibrium between unity and diversity .
28 In that sense , he is no ‘ revolutionary ’ , but rather a deep student of solutions , with a solid capacity for the kind of apparently trivial details that make all the difference between winning and losing , between safety and risk .
29 An investment franchise , as the name suggests , does not offer daily earnings , but rather a return on a profitable investment .
30 Tolkien was not by any means cut off from the mainstream of English poetry , though the qualities he valued were not surprise , the mot juste , verbal complexity , but rather a slow probing of the familiar .
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