Example sentences of "but up to " in BNC.

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1 Adult chimpanzees are much smaller than human beings , but up to three times as strong .
2 This legislation had been hailed as a powerful weapon with which to seize drug barons ' fortunes but up to May last year police and Customs investigators had only been able to confiscate £11 million .
3 Crowds hover a touch above 1,000 this season but up to twice that number will make the trip to Northampton .
4 Crowds hover a touch above 1,000 this season but up to twice that number will make the trip to Northampton .
5 But up to the end of May 1985 , the steel industry had received from the metal-working industry only $360.000 .
6 My Sister was at Sandy , but up to her eyes in her work with the Maquis .
7 In general , the thickness of the platform carbonates varies from 20–60 m but up to 100 m has been recorded locally , and in good cases a potential net pay of 10–20 m could be expected .
8 Outside these harbours it is doubtful if the total winter population exceeds 200 birds , but up to 70 winter at Newhaven and between Rye and the Midrips .
9 Elsewhere large flocks are rather irregular , but up to 400 were noted off Langney Point , 250 in Seaford Bay , and 150 in Pevensey Bay in the same period .
10 Numbers vary , but up to 650 birds have been noted passing up the Channel in a spring , and movements of 50 to 100 birds in a day are an annual event ; 234 flying east off Beachy Head on 15 April 1968 is the largest single movement noted .
11 Fewer birds are involved than in spring , but up to 75 have been seen passing down the Channel in a day , and once 200 ( 19 November 1972 , Selsey Bill ) .
12 Most are seen singly or in twos and threes , but up to 10 have been recorded together and , in 1963 a party of 50 was seen at Burpham on 30 January , and another , which finally totalled 29 , was present at Weir Wood Reservoir in March .
13 Most records are of single birds , but up to five have been recorded in one area at the same time and there is possibly a tendency for groups of up to four to appear more often .
14 But up to one per cent of European ‘ sweet ’ almonds can be bitter , and bitter almonds are grown specifically .
15 The average size of these plots was less than 1 hectare in the inner city , but up to 10 hectares at the edges .
16 Researchers are trying to develop ways of recognising domesticated pulses , eg rye , peas and chickpeas , which were very important in ancient nutrition , but up to now there has been no technique that readily identifies them .
17 A 4.10 is of doubtful advantage at more than 25 yards ( 22.5 metres ) but up to that point can be a very good gun in the right hands .
18 ‘ If that 's the case , the saboteur would n't have walked back to Cartier but up to some vantage point from where he could watch the smash . ’
19 Not only will you burn off up to 300 calories walking briskly at 4 miles an hour for 45 minutes , but up to 180 of these calories will be fat calories .
20 The Indian Civil Service and the Sudan Political Service each practised its own system of careful selection , but up to and including the First World War recruitment to the Colonial Service — or rather the assemblage of small local services which made it up — was on a highly casual basis .
21 It will be recalled that Sutton depôt was built to house 60 cars , but up to now had rarely held more than 20 , so even with the overhaul facilities , there was plenty of space to spare .
22 But up to now many supermarkets have ignored the problems .
23 The Gallery is an independent trust but up to the present its trustees have been the College Governors of Dulwich College , acting as trustees of the Picture Gallery .
24 In the context of the agreement , analysts were quoted as suggesting that acquiring a software base for a new supercomputer has traditionally been the biggest drag on sales , and doubting that Convex and HP had cracked it — but up to now there has been no massively parallel machine that is both hardware-and software-compatible with a big existing applications base .
25 In an interview last week on the French radio station France Inter 's RadioCom program , Alcatel Alsthom NV president Pierre Suard indicated he did not rule out taking a stake in France Telecom if the latter is privatised by the next administration : ‘ I do n't think the question has been posed today , but when it is , I can tell you that we will study it very seriously , ’ Suard said — ‘ It is essential that France Telecom has a structure that enables it to extend itself beyond France and I think that can come from a new shareholder ; there is industrial logic in the ‘ world 's number one manufacturer of telecommunications equipment ’ owning a stake in a telecommunications operator , ’ he added — ‘ It is the Anglo-Saxon logic ; AT&T is constructed on that basis , but up to now , it has not been European logic , ’ he said .
26 In the context of the agreement , analysts were quoted as suggesting that acquiring a software base for a new supercomputer has traditionally been the biggest drag on sales , and doubting that Convex and Hewlett had cracked it — but up to now there has been no massively parallel machine that is both hardware- and software-compatible with a big existing applications base .
27 Thalassiothrix longissima ( characterized by long straight to twisted cells , only 1.5–5μm wide but up to 4mm long ) is described as a cosmopolitan species with a distribution ranging from the Southern Ocean to the North Pacific , North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea .
28 The individual frustules in this example are between 3 and 5μm wide but up to 3mm long .
29 Employee retirement funds are also included as special reserves , but up to one-third can be used for investment at the discretion of management .
30 Such high levels of childlessness do not fit the consistent response to questions in the General Household Survey that only about 5–7 per cent of women intend to remain childless ; but up to 20 per cent of women have failed to reply to this question , although fewer in more recent surveys .
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