Example sentences of "but if [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The effects may not seem to have anything to do with the work , but if disunity and depression occur it 's quite likely that there is an unseen cause .
2 If at the pre-trial review the defendant does not appear and has not delivered an admission or defence and the plaintiff produces evidence as to the amount of his damages , then judgment may be entered for them ( Ord 17 , r 2(2) ) , but if evidence is not then produced the court may enter a judgment for unliquidated damages and thereafter , unless the court has itself fixed a date for assessment of such damages , the plaintiff may apply for such assessment on seven days ' notice to the defendant ( Ord 22 , r 6(1) ) .
3 Runcom has probably made more original contributions to more branches of the subject than any other geophysicist ; but if history judges his work on that basis alone , it will come up with an incomplete assessment .
4 But if noise is the point at which language buckles and culture fails , then you could argue that noise occurs in moments , tiny breakages and stresses dispersed all over the surface of music , all kinds of music .
5 But if romanticism suits the Devil because it has a habit of slipping us into unreality-away from the real battle — it has an even more pernicious aspect .
6 But if selection positively encourages the change or is neutral to it , most or all the individuals in a population would gradually change from one phenotypic form to another .
7 But if selection is to be made , when should it be done , how and on what principles ?
8 But if selection is to take place , it seems reasonable to attempt to do so on the basis of what an organisation saw as important in its own terms at the time , rather than attempting to apply current research criteria to the process .
9 But if space and time are merely " forms of our intuition " , then the distinction between numerical and qualitative identity presents no difficulty , for in that case any two things can be numerically distinguished in virtue of their spatial position alone .
10 But if PRP substitutes for existing pay , it is rarely going to be practicable for the employer to pocket the whole of the saving , since this would imply not only a reduction in the employees ' gross pay , but also an element of risk in remuneration that had previously been assured .
11 Grudgingly , Brian was forced to say that he had always thought it odd , but if reticence about her past was the way his wife wanted it , then he had been prepared to accept the situation .
12 But if widowhood is such a double shock for many women , why do widows survive much longer than widowers ?
13 But if kind is interpreted more narrowly , then it will have the effect of limiting the defendant 's liability .
14 But if inflation could be brought quickly down again , the balance of payments would look after itself .
15 There is no guarantee on PPs — you could do better , but if inflation went up , or the stock market turned sour , or the people you were buying it from were not very clever , you could do very much worse .
16 Now inflation 's very low at the moment , but if inflation took off again and got into double figures , then not only would your pensions suffer , but your bills would go up as well .
17 ‘ At a time of high inflation , two or three percent flexibility a year is fine , but if inflation goes up to 12 per cent , you 're in trouble and the profit is wiped out . ’
18 I am not interested in scoring cheap points in this debate about the underfunding of sport , but if sport is using underfunding as an excuse or justification for taking large amounts of money from the tobacco industry , the Government must address the question whether they should put more money into sport so that sport does not have to use that excuse .
19 But if exercise is not kept up , the body reverts to its original inactive state .
20 But if animal populations are too small , then they simply die out .
21 But if drink lost him respect , he never lost the admiration of one College porter who said you had only to watch him cross the street to know he was a genius .
22 But if King is discouraged by the change in his fortunes he does n't show it .
23 But if Government words translate into action , they hope their suffering will not be shared by others .
24 But if development rights belong to the state , surely so should the associated development values ?
25 We may overcome our individual pride but if pride is in our nature , then it will colour all our thoughts and actions .
26 But if interference effects do indeed operate at retrieval rather than on the formation of the CS-US association , it should be possible to show that an apparently weak association formed after conditioning with a pre-exposed stimulus can be revealed as being perfectly strong in appropriate conditions of testing .
27 But if schizophrenia made Van Gogh a better painter so the spectrum of writing in the Bible makes it a more reliable testament of the religious life of man .
28 Well what I know the answer is is to say do n't worry be concerned but do n't worry because worrying does n't do you no good , it does n't do the condition no good and it does n't do everybody else any good either because they just say oh she 's you know what she is , depressed by whatever it is and that 's , as it were , objectively logical but wh wh what seems to me to be the absolutely overwhelming is to say he 's not worried , he 's desperately concerned , he 's more concerned than humans can possibly be but if god is n't worried , what on earth are we burning up our resources worrying about because if he 's not worried concerned yes , but he 's not worried .
29 Costs remain essentially unchanged if these forks continue to elongate isometrically , but if elongation instead proceeds by further deepening of the fork through lengthening its outer but not its central feathers , these outer feathers eventually project beyond the point of maximum continuous width even when spread .
30 But if film executives were to be believed , the majority of the audience was less interested in salving their fears about wars and conflicts ahead than in looking back to the time when Britain had a role to play in the world .
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