Example sentences of "but the [det] " in BNC.

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1 But the shell-less ones survived and they became the most sophisticated and intelligent of all the molluscs , the squids and octopus .
2 For the hybrids I would look for L. ‘ Golden Splendor ’ ( yellow ) , L. ‘ Pink Perfection ’ ( deep pink ) , L. ‘ Tabasco ’ ( crimson red ) but the many varieties available are all equally beautiful .
3 But the many miles of treeless river inhibits recolonization by otters , and even in the 1980s there have been cases of water authority workmen felling known otter holts .
4 But the many complex descriptions of the real social practice of literate and oral modes that are now becoming available suggest that literacy and orality are not so vastly differentiated as these writers claim .
5 Not only was the functioning of the library committee curtailed by industrial action — as it was in every school studied but the many attitudinal and motivational effects of the reorganisation of secondary schooling in the area as a whole must have been significant in shaping the perspectives and actions of those taking up the project challenge .
6 Controlled term indexing languages are claimed to be more consistent and therefore more efficient , but the many tests on indexing languages have failed to prove this convincingly .
7 Will he emphasise again and again that the victims of terrorism are not just those who are maimed , injured and killed but the many people who are put on the dole because terrorism deters investment from elsewhere in Europe ?
8 It may look to some extent like the original , it may even retain traces of the original , but the many pieces that make the whole were added at different times and have been the subject of change and much repair work .
9 But the former will only switch at a relatively low speed ( 42MHz ) , and the latter produce complex , power-hungry circuits .
10 But the former lead singer for the soul group The Three Degrees ( remember ‘ When Will I See You Again' ? ) stood firm in her conviction that the development of black American cookery from plantation scraps to mainstream classics merits more than just lists of ingredients .
11 There are still professional watermen in the Tideway and still Phelpses on the river , but the former are a dying breed and the latter are amateur competitors .
12 For this is not only the man in charge of the Second Division leaders but the former manager of West Ham , the last Second Division club to win the FA Cup .
13 The Tsongas name will remain on future primary ballots as a ‘ ghost ’ candidate , but the former senator from Massachusetts called on supporters still working for him to cease their efforts .
14 Both urban and marginal men believed that education was the best means to achievement , but the former had better opportunities to actually benefit from schooling .
15 Not in appearance which has changed little , nor in character which remains in essence that of a medieval settlement , but the former strongly individual atmosphere of the place , the aura of bygone days , has been destroyed by the coming of the motor car which increasingly has taken away the privacy of the little town .
16 Immigration and emigration is noted at both seasons , but the former predominates in spring , with 76 per cent .
17 The more abstract aspects of the discussion arose from , and in some cases came later than , the disputes around current policies , but the former provided the underpinning for the latter .
18 But the former Wednesday striker seems to have misinterpreted tactical guidance .
19 It had also been hoped that midfielder Michael Thomas would play this week but the former Arsenal midfielder has suffered a reaction to his Achilles problem and his comeback has been delayed .
20 Both are leaving Bag End , but the former cheerfully , without the Ring , without responsibility , for Rivendell , the latter with a growing sense of unwished involvement , carrying the Ring and heading in the end for Mordor .
21 But the former Neath and Wales rugby union star , later dismissed for throwing a punch at Gary Tees , insisted last night : ‘ All I can remember is that it was in a tackle .
22 PETER SHILTON is 90 minutes from a potential disaster — but the former England international vows to carry on as player-manager of Plymouth even if the club lose to non-League Dorking tomorrow .
23 KIWI centre Kevin Iro , who is joining Leeds from Manly , did n't do the business in Sydney this year , but the former Wigan ace can probably do a good job against English defences .
24 Giggs is constantly compared to Best himself , but the former United hero said : ‘ One day they might even say I was another Ryan Giggs !
25 But the former Director of Public Prosecutions — who quit after he was caught kerb-crawling in King 's Cross , London — is talking about acting on stage .
26 But the former seems regrettably unlikely and the latter , over all , undesirable .
27 But the former knew little of business and the latter little of TV .
28 By a slim margin Ford defeated Reagan in the 1976 Convention , but the former governor had run surprisingly well and the conservative wing of the Republican party had substantially strengthened its position .
29 A spokesperson for the gallery told The Art Newspaper that Assistant curator Marla Prather is filling in for Ms Rosenthal , but the former positions of Messrs Cowart and Moffett remain unfilled .
30 But the former was impossible with the twins in tow and the latter unthinkable given the length of time he 'd have to wait for one on a Sunday .
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