Example sentences of "she always did " in BNC.

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1 ’ He gave a sob , ‘ and she went rattling down the stairs to her room the way she always did and then I heard that awful sort of slither and Bunty 's scream … ’
2 Charlie was dead keen on Lilian doing him credit and she always did , always looked as if she 'd just stepped out of a bandbox .
3 He heard her sigh deeply , the way she always did when he let her down in some way .
4 Nanny huffed the way she always did when she was annoyed at something .
5 Trotter had raised her voice as she always did speaking to the old man .
6 When he asked , what did she mean , ‘ taunting ’ , she resorted , as she always did when they argued , to silence .
7 She always did bring the water eventually , and to her cronies Mairi sometimes admitted she was glad to see the back of her for a few hours ; but that never weakened her tongue .
8 Luch considered , as she always did , and slowly nodded .
9 She always did that after a row .
10 She became assertive-in-spite-of-herself , and marching rapidly from one end of the kitchen to the other , which she always did when entrusting him with a home truth , said , ‘ It 's not , Henry .
11 She stood in the doorway with her hand on her hip as she always did when she was angry .
12 She stood in the doorway with her hand on her hip as she always did when she was angry .
13 She always did .
14 I just wanted her to take me back , to talk to me as she always did .
15 Right now he was groping Joanna who had taken her top off , as she always did on these occasions .
16 Then Mum changed her tone , as she always did when she wanted to wheedle something out of somebody .
17 She put her points over to the juniors as well as she always did to everyone else , with a wonderful mix of candour , directness , understanding and humour — and always with a twinkle in the eye .
18 She always did .
19 Today she closed the door quietly behind her , and tiptoed over to the polished wooden closet , as she always did , to look at her mother 's dresses .
20 She always did . "
21 " But where else ? " she wailed , humorously , as she always did , when he was surprised by what to her was obvious .
22 She spent a good deal — she always did that .
23 Anna decided that she must not profit by it in any way and consulted Constanza — she always did : You are my chief heir and it will affect you — Constanza told her to go ahead .
24 She always did think Jeremy was all right-once you got to know him .
25 Carla heard Luke come into the house , and went to meet him , just as she always did .
26 Afterwards she repented it bitterly , but she was hopeless at apologizing : instead of retracting her feelings , what she always did was to say that she was sorry for expressing them , a kind of amends that costs nothing and carries the built-in rebuke that the other person is unable to bear the truth .
27 She made up her mind quickly , the way she always did .
28 Eventually he pushed his hand inside her brassiere and began kneading one of her breasts , but instead of responding she lay motionless and waited as she always did ; gradually the movements of his hand grew slower , the rhythm of his breathing more regular , and when at last he lay still she disentangled his hand from her twisted clothing and slipped out from underneath him .
29 She always did , but it was not a process that could be hurried or engineered .
30 Their mother seemed to rally as she always did for her children but no matter how she tried to conceal it , it was clear to all of them that she was near the end of her strength .
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