Example sentences of "she went [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He followed her when she went towards the door , and detained her .
2 She would not go out , though she occasionally made a martyr of herself by pointing out that because of the price of baby-sitting , she could not afford to go out : this was as far as she went towards self-pity .
3 He watched her approach and watched her as she went towards the door .
4 Frustrated , she went towards the kitchen and I pulled the curtains apart to watch night fall .
5 She went towards him , for he seemed suddenly spent , a man getting old far out to sea , trying to swim .
6 She went towards the second door , and Michael hurried ahead to open it for her .
7 She did see the yachtsman as she trekked back to start on the long walk home , and she went towards him .
8 She went towards the house to say goodbye to Stella , and as she turned the corner of the building she almost collided with Luke .
9 as if he was attuned to her thoughts Alain made no move to help her as she went towards the house .
10 With that she went towards the kitchen .
11 It was almost time for her mistress 's luncheon , and she went towards the back of the hall to the breakfast parlour , one of the few rooms still in use , to see if Mrs Diggory had as yet laid out the tray .
12 ‘ I hardly knew whether I would find you still here , ’ Benedict had said , catching her on the gallery as she went towards the attic stairs , burdened with a small wooden box containing the contents of Lady Merchiston 's medicine cupboard , Hector at her heels .
13 However , her feet dragged as she went towards the office , where she found Silas listening to the answering machine while Doreen recorded the messages .
14 She says that when you erm pointed the gun against her husband 's head she went towards you , grabbed by another officer .
15 Instead she went towards the fire , and slowly sat down on one of the corduroy sofas .
16 As she went towards her car she heard him call , ‘ I 'll look out for you . ’
17 ‘ I really must think about the whole question , ’ she thought , as she went up the stairs to the flat .
18 She went up stairs and rifled through Gloria 's things to try some of her make-up .
19 She went up the stairs two Levels , dodged across a gangpath to another stair and went up that five Levels , and finally , across another gangpath and she leapt for a lift just leaving .
20 As she went up the narrow stairs , Jennifer 's heart was beating .
21 Judging from all the chatter , everyone in UCD must have got to know each other pretty quickly , Benny thought as she went up the steps the following morning .
22 She went up the stairs , and my mother and I went after her .
23 She went up the stairs on legs that felt absolutely leaden .
24 Then she will know more than she did as she went up the stairs , my little English mouse .
25 She was still dazed by the revelations of the past half-hour as she went up the stairs .
26 The stairs creaked as she went up them , and the landing creaked .
27 Well I said Angie said she went up Wicks ' and got her worktops and it cost her fifteen pound .
28 She went outside the church with him .
29 She went along Duke Street , then , instead of going down Little Brittain , decided to cut through Bartholomew Close .
30 Nervously smoothing her skirt and praying there were no stains she had missed , she went along the hall and into the living room .
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