Example sentences of "she into [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is not always understood that he does not only help her but has frequently to lead her into a movement .
2 Is he merely to proffer his hand and lead her into a stately minuet ?
3 and when Siegfried swears to marry and save Odette after she has told him how the wicked Von Rothbart turned her into a Swan ( Swan Lake , Act 11 ) .
4 In the earliest versions , which date from 1959 — 60 , Gironella turns her into a sort of rag doll ; perhaps never more than a well-dressed shell , she is now simply a collage of fragments of coarse , torn cloth that appear to be pasted down with thick smears of paint ( Fig. 5 ) .
5 ‘ Mrs Hatton , ’ he said , beckoning her into a corner .
6 Nurse Bodkin bustled over to her and put her arm around her shoulder , making soothing noises and easing her into a sitting position on the bed .
7 There 's a somewhat lighter tone to The Wicked Lady ( 1945 ) , another big hit , in which Lockwood is the aristocratic wife whose passion for living and sense that if ‘ I ca n't live while I 'm alive , I 'll go mad ’ leads her into a double life as a highwaywoman .
8 Something between 60 and 100 MPs are eager to clip Mrs Thatcher 's wings by staging a show of disaffection or by forcing her into a second round when the first round votes are cast , on December 5 under the most likely timetable .
9 I do n't think I can find her lodgings , but I could try to get her into a home .
10 ‘ She thinks they 're trying to get her into a home . ’
11 He knew that he was a fool not to join Simon in abusing her , in making her into a joke .
12 He showed her into a comfortable room complete with wallscreen , soft lighting and floor cushions .
13 The show was The Henderson Kids and Kylie auditioned for the part of Charlotte Kernow — known as Char — in a tomboy role that was to prove remarkably similar to the character that would one day transform her into a superstar .
14 A mother who has put her daughter on the stage and made her into a teenage star is obviously aware that she is moulding something special .
15 But this was the one Miss Minogue and her handlers gambled upon to turn her into a major star .
16 She felt Mr Browning 's arm round her and the gentlest of pressures as he pushed her into a seat .
17 No one in the sixteenth century made the mistake which was to become such a feature of later writings about her , of seeing her crimes or her innocence as a little domestic matter , locking her into a Scottish bedroom debate in which , as far as the outside world was concerned , only Elizabeth had an interest beyond the fleeting and casual .
18 For a bit , she tried to turn Yeats into a warrior , and he tried to turn her into a high priestess of the Celtic mysteries — and thus , of course , into a ‘ moderate ’ .
19 And the small seed of anger against him knotted itself inside her into a hard little core of resentment .
20 He ushered her into a dismal canteen with strip lighting , Formica-topped tables and moulded plastic stacking chairs .
21 Hurl her into a pit of snakes ?
22 It would take at least another seven or eight years to turn her into a recognizable human being .
23 Her cruel circumstances conspired to put her into a remand home at 14 — and from there she went to an adolescent unit , until the age of 17 .
24 Mrs Cummings ' daughter-in-law was similar to , though less antagonistic than , Mrs Kitchener 's daughter , in that she said she found looking after her mother-in-law a strain , that it was time-consuming , and putting a strain on her marriage ; she and her mother-in-law had never got on very well , and she ‘ would like to get her into a Home , ’ .
25 Forcing her into a loveless marriage the same way he 's forcing you pair into marrying the Costello sisters .
26 As his fame and fortune grew , she never became ostentatious and refused all his efforts to encourage her into a more luxurious life .
27 The wave passed on , dropping her into a terrifyingly deep trough , cutting off all contact ; a solitary cell of blank , featureless water .
28 Then he took her into a long flat-roofed building like a small aircraft hangar .
29 To get her into a routine , I started leaving food out at the same time and place every day , always whistling the same tune , so that she would associate it with being fed .
30 This is never easy , and she will only respond if she feels that your suggestions spring from real affection and concern for her and are not just an attempt to dominate or to ‘ bully ’ her into a new regime .
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