Example sentences of "she had see " in BNC.

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1 She had seen her country overrun by both the German and the Russian armies ; she knew at first-hand the madness of war and the fear it transmits to the civilian population .
2 She looked at them one by one ; she nodded to the people she had seen sewing by the fountain ; she smiled at the old woman and the boy .
3 She had seen that instantly the next afternoon ; in Rachel 's eyes she recognised the same melting joy as she had seen in Lisa 's .
4 She had seen that instantly the next afternoon ; in Rachel 's eyes she recognised the same melting joy as she had seen in Lisa 's .
5 At eight Maggie had not known that her grandmother was famous , but she had seen that people had something in their manner when they looked at Rachel ; later she learned that something was respect .
6 But she looked down through the glass skylight and recognised in Maggie 's cropped hair and long white body the same contours that she had seen in that other virgin warrior whom she had inspired into battle .
7 She had seen and noticed this despondency , this weightedness , in her mother .
8 In the evenings , with painful vividness , she had seen the small congregation in the post office , the mail van crossing the bridge , Annie sorting the letters , the stretch of empty road to the sycamores where they had stopped to talk .
9 She had seen to Mrs Goodwin by nine o'clock and stopped for a chat and a bit of buttering-up .
10 The press had already scented a story , and friends at Regent 's Park Zoo urged her to speak out about the zoo animals ' wretched living conditions , now she had seen them in their natural habitat .
11 She had seen none of this glamorous life ; she had seldom even been to smart restaurants , let alone banquets and star-studded receptions .
12 She was larger than life , she had seen the world , she was game for anything , she was jolly and vibrant , spoke her mind ; all in all , she was fun to be with .
13 At Ångelholm , we were joined by two more people , a grim-looking older woman all in black , who looked as if she had n't smiled since 1937 and who spent the entire journey watching me as if she had seen my face on a wanted poster , and by a fastidious older man who I guessed to be a recently retired schoolmaster and took an instant dislike to .
14 She had seen him in the little town so immersed in looking up at the old buildings , that he ran into a lamppost .
15 She had seen how deep his admiration had gone .
16 Ever since the first time she had seen the Hare-woman standing in the Post Office , staring with her luminous eyes as she told one lie after another , she had known that there was something wrong about her .
17 And she knew that she had seen that expression before , and very recently .
18 Being cradled against her mother 's soft warm body , Dot tried to feel like a baby , to remember what she had seen through the crack in the double doors as Gloria had cradled Baby against her while the nurses gathered round with protective outstretched arms .
19 But she had seen them on the newsreel before the big film , creaking and groaning across the land , their great limbless , legless form crushing and grinding all that was in their way .
20 She had seen pictures in the newspaper that Mrs Parvis had delivered every day of men and women who 'd been kept locked up in a camp till the Americans came and found them .
21 Then , larger than life , so vivid she might almost have reached out and touched herself , there she was , transformed , hardly recognizable : teeth bared in a grin of manic glee , her eyes white-hot and blazing like a berserk android in a film she had seen once .
22 She had seen Madge that morning when she had gone round with the news about the kiosk .
23 She had seen a scene like that once , in a film about a prison island where convicts were dumped and left to fend fur themselves .
24 She had seen a horror film once about an archaeologist in Egypt .
25 As well as that , how could she admit to Bella that she had seen the money hidden in the drawer ?
26 Marie followed the bus route to where she had seen Simon with his mother and father coming out of the private estate in their car .
27 The light which fell on their brown skins was dappled , as in the television adverts she had seen which were set in jungles .
28 It seemed to Marie like those ‘ executive-style ’ rooms she had seen in numerous television advertisements and soap operas : bright , spacious and open plan with acres of carpets , a jungle of lush potted plants , low leather chairs with squashy seats and coffee tables , casually strewn with expensive , up-market magazines .
29 She still believed this but , standing there in that dismal , chilly corridor , a picture came into her head : it was of a baby she had seen once , being wheeled in a pushchair down the prom .
30 She would not realize how spectacular her deception had been until she had seen , as he had , the frenzied rage on Simon 's face , or heard , as he had , the pleasure and excitement in Simon 's face as he threatened violence .
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