Example sentences of "she at [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Was she at Nina 's
2 Proceeds from the Yehudi Menuhin School concert , combined with the Razzle Dazzle raffle have started the ball rolling , and Mrs. Nicholas would welcome any further ideas for fund-raising or offers of help — contact her at Alton community Centre on Alton 85057 .
3 It had to be a child , Coffin thought , and had n't Mrs Foster been Gilly Slee when he had known her at Hook Road School ?
4 ‘ Forgive me , ’ Alexandra said , feeling a recurring surge of the courage that had invaded her at Langley Dene , ‘ but I think — with respect , I think that everyone is making too much of my meeting Mr Swinton .
5 Cotte ( pp. 71 – 2 ) distinguishes two main senses of let , the first of which is described as " the non-intervention of an agent in an action which has been initiated independently of him/her and has been going on already for a certain time " , and can be illustrated by : ( 214 ) He would n't even dance with her at Gavin 's party .
6 ‘ I 'm glad of the chance to race against her at Aberdeen , ’ said Wade .
7 The woman detective wondered what had driven Christine to phone her at Scotland Yard .
8 ‘ I usually drop her at Cintra 's Bar , she can get a sandwich there and a glass of port . ’
9 She was a close friend of the Duchess of Portland and , when staying with her at Bulstrode in Buckinghamshire , December 1753 , reported that Philip Miller had been working in the library and , On another occasion when they met , she commented on his reticence .
10 Woolridge swore that he would not visit her at Windsor again , unfortunately an oath that he failed to keep .
11 ‘ I have always gone to see her at Kensington Palace — well , I was n't going to see her in a railway siding , was I ?
12 Carolyn Bartholomew who visited her at Kensington Palace three days after William was born recalls : ‘ She was thrilled with both herself and the baby .
13 THE PRINCESS of Wales met one of her heroines when Mother Teresa of Calcutta visited her at Kensington Palace .
14 ‘ It happens , Araminta , that Miss Kyte was in the act of answering the summons , ’ her cousin lied calmly , ‘ for I had myself come to find her at Aunt Lavvy 's request . ’
15 Baldwin then went to meet her at Victoria Station and walked the half mile to their Eaton Square house with her , describing , as she subsequently wrote to her husband 's mother , what had happened , in slightly breathless terms :
16 Last night prayers were said for her at Watton Methodist Church where her aunt is a member of the congregation .
17 ( Ludmilla 's intellectual ambitions were posthumously immortalized by her father 's generous establishment of a research fellowship named after her at Oxford University . )
18 I had been afraid of her at Oxford where she had been a quick , intense , thundery girl who rarely bothered to talk to other women .
19 Diana , who had been expecting the two boys to join her at Althorp in Northamptonshire today , phoned them briefly yesterday morning .
20 ] ‘ I went to see her at Claridge 's … they are always so obsequious when one asks for her … .
21 And one eyewitness says he saw her at Headington only last week .
22 ‘ Lady , you adorn my house , ’ he said , then looked past her at Turakina .
23 ‘ You never went to find her at Rosslare ?
24 If you are lucky , you may even see Nancy Blackett at anchor among the little yachts and ancient barges and houseboats , although her present owner , Michael Rines , usually keeps her at Ipswich .
25 She always was a bit ‘ igh and mighty for the likes of us , but I did ‘ ear mention that Kitty had been to see her at London University . ’
26 When he found her at Leominster , Hereford and Worcester , he spent Pounds 68,000 on the house next door .
27 Before we go will you be treating her at Warley ? ’
28 Suragai was looking past her at Alexei as he spoke .
29 Jehan looked past her at Alexei .
30 If you accept her at Lowood school , please make sure that the headmistress and teachers know how dishonest she is .
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