Example sentences of "she now [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What was she now but a maimed thing , repugnant and ugly , which no love could ever be large enough to embrace ?
2 Her voice , her body , her smell were as familiar to him as his own , but essentially he knew no more about her now than when she had arrived .
3 He knew little more about her now than when they had first encountered each other in the abbey ruins on a blustery August evening less than six weeks earlier , had for a minute stood and gazed and had then moved silently towards each other in a wordless , amazed recognition .
4 The truth of it was that he was even less certain of her now than he 'd been at the beginning ; how she thought , the way she might react as the world around her changed .
5 Raynor , more closely attuned to her now than he would have believed possible , felt the strength and the sudden arrogance and the automatic shouldering of a burden , and knew that it was this quality , this mastery , that set her so much apart .
6 He was far more suspicious of her now than he had been before she 'd told him about Dana , and he still thought she was Garry 's lover .
7 Her work was more important to her now than ever .
8 How would he seem to be calling her now after she had been entranced in his arms ?
9 He put out his hand towards her now but did n't touch her , saying , ‘ Do n't faint ; it wo n't help you any because I 'll only revive you with a jug of cold water and make you listen to the finish .
10 My brother-in-law 's with her now but visiting ends at eight and I have to take him home .
11 Fabia protested , needing most urgently to stop her now before she went any further .
12 It seemed to her now that she had lived in a dream .
13 She had hoped he might arrange to come and collect her now that he had the car — and now that things were , well , serious between them .
14 And to point out to her now that she did n't know the right thing to do when visiting people like the Kirkleys would be , in a way , against the advice she had just given her , although it was n't to do with talking ; more like behaviour and deportment or some such .
15 I ought to feel something for her now that she 's gone , but I do n't . "
16 I really ca n't neglect her now that she is dying . ’
17 It seemed to her now that all she had ever had had been the dream of having dreams ; the goal of having goals one day , once she had made her mind up what it was she wanted .
18 I could see her now that my eyes were in the shadow of a branch .
19 He definitely would n't kiss her now that they were back on this joking footing again .
20 Her arms hugged around herself , she stood in the phone-box for a long time after she 'd replaced the receiver and it seemed quite incomprehensible to her now that she had n't contacted her mother before .
21 ‘ And you should watch that tongue , Margaret Howard , ’ Richie rasped , glaring at her now that she had hit unerringly at his weak spot .
22 Mitch can not marry her now that he knows that she is not ‘ clean ’ .
23 She grinned , happiness radiating from her now that she 'd received Guy 's approval .
24 In fact I 'll go and find her now if you like . ’
25 Roman would be less likely to spot her now if he chanced to look round .
26 I hardly ever see her now because she does n't go out and neither do I. But I used to see her when her husband was alive , indeed they were almost the only people I ever saw .
27 It meant a lot to her now because she would never take anything away from Marguerite and Alain .
28 And she did not want Matthew to like and accept her now because he knew she was in such a sterling profession .
29 We 're confusing her now cos
30 well we 've got this thing against her now cos she 's flirting with Ricky !
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