Example sentences of "she could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 His light eyes swept in quick appraisal from her new hairstyle to the sandals which graced her nyloned feet , before he opened the door leading to the patio , standing back so she could precede him .
2 If she could trust one human , he felt , she could achieve anything .
3 She saw no sequence in what was happening , and no coherence , but she knew it was there to be seen , if only she could achieve the right angle of vision .
4 She could feel the great flight of the dragon and sensed that she was high in air and travelling fast towards the sunset ; she could feel the great muscles of the dragon 's wings send ripplings down the stomach walls and she gave herself over to death .
5 She could feel the great flight of the dragon and sensed that she was high in air and travelling fast towards the sunset ; she could feel the great muscles of the dragon 's wings send ripplings down the stomach walls and she gave herself over to death .
6 In a still moment of total blackness she could feel the sinewed strength , the velvet softness of the dragon 's tripes .
7 Immediately and frighteningly she could feel Fenna 's will power .
8 She could feel her mother s irritation rise to balance the calmness that her grandmother threw over the fight .
9 Now she could feel the solid muscle of her daughter 's arms and she wanted to lean against her and draw comfort and strength ; but she pulled away and looked at Phoebe with that straight , clear , appraising look that was her hallmark .
10 She could feel Maggie 's distress ; Maggie needed more than to have her care about the house .
11 She was buoyed up suddenly on the wave of amazement and admiration that she could feel enveloping her from across the whole room .
12 She could feel herself relaxing .
13 She could feel Keith watching her .
14 Her heartbeats came in great , straining jerks , she could feel the blood squeezing through .
15 Masha nodded , saying that for the first time since Geneva she could feel the attraction of Communism .
16 Yet now , today , she could feel the attraction of hacking one 's way almost perpendicularly up an ice field , in imminent danger of being swept away .
17 She did not dare look down , but she could feel the machine moving below her like a maddened metal beast prowling backwards and forwards in a pit , its metal jaws opening and closing , clanging and gnashing with thwarted fury .
18 She could feel Jackie watching her as she took a step forward , but she resisted the temptation to glance back , thrusting herself away from him , one step after another , angrily trying to justify her uncharacteristic behaviour and telling herself that she had no need to justify it .
19 She could feel nothing , as if her entire body were mummified in thick wads of flavourless chewing gum .
20 She could feel and sense the strength in him , not merely physical .
21 He pressed against her , and she could feel him hard against her .
22 She felt her own breathing slow down to accord with Marcus 's respiration , and she could feel , perhaps even hear , the others also breathing in unison .
23 She was , now , trembling and shuddering , her heart was beating violently , she could feel her scarlet blazing face .
24 Her family treated her as before , and she was prepared to continue working hard at her rehabilitation so that she could feel normal again , and be accepted by other people as such .
25 She now knelt down by Robbie Felton 's side and tentatively , she put her hand inside his thick blue cloth jacket , then drew in a long slow breath when she could feel the beating of his heart .
26 Nellie was convinced it would pass , even though she could feel that both children had high temperatures .
27 She could feel only a few twigs .
28 The old man was shouting hoarsely , and someone a long way off was answering — and running , too , for she could feel the vibration of rapid footsteps .
29 She could feel the tip probing up the leg of her panties and she knew it should not be there .
30 Paula said , though she could feel the seeds of panic herself .
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