Example sentences of "she [vb base] he " in BNC.

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1 However , Byatt 's American publishers , Random House , insisted that she make him sexier .
2 She was screwing up the courage to suggest she cook him a meal over the weekend when he glanced at his watch .
3 She could n't even hope to keep that from him , since he 'd insisted she fax him details of the takings every week .
4 As he doubled over , she kneed him in the face , and had her own pistol levelled at Glen 's stomach before he could react .
5 Even Mortimer felt a tingle of horror as he saw the figure approach Ace and laugh , but he was momentarily taken aback when Ace 's hands suddenly whipped round and grabbed the man 's shoulders , and she kneed him swiftly in the groin .
6 Without any warning signs , she kneed him in the groin , and dashed for the door , one flailing arm smashing a gas tap from the bench .
7 So she give him a and she said
8 and er so one night she gave him , come in a bit paralytic , wanted a drink , so she give him a drink with a load of tranquillisers in
9 She give him a tenner and she give him that box with bloody channel change on !
10 She give him a tenner and she give him that box with bloody channel change on !
11 There , as they looked out over the River Thames , he ordered a meal and demanded that she tell him her life story .
12 But he insisted she pay him anyway .
13 The man she was here to interview had suggested she call him Ven , had even , if jokingly , suggested that they might be friends .
14 He ought to have been over the moon at her suggestion that she leave him , but instead it seemed to have made him angry .
15 Prince Charles rang her every day , suggesting she join him for a walk or a barbecue .
16 Clive Kemp 's suggestion that she join him on a cruise across the Mediterranean had seemed the perfect antidote to a long hard winter , a series of temping jobs which had been more demanding than usual , and the unpleasantness of her break-up with Giles .
17 He moved towards the table , indicating she join him .
18 He 'd applauded politely at the end of every number , but seemed totally unmoved , and somehow that had made her try all the harder , as though it were imperative that she reach him .
19 Not only did he invade her privacy , he had the gall to sit there and demand that she serve him !
20 She and this animal treated each other with mutual contempt , like an old unhappily married couple , and I always thought that the only reason he did n't bite her or she have him put down was that they disliked the rest of the world even more than each other and would have been even more miserable and lonely than they were in their trap of hostility .
21 Alain was warmth and power and she needed both , she need him .
22 What had made her drag him down here ?
23 She could feel the hard muscles of his body pressing against her side , his arm sheltering her in a way that made her trust him .
24 For one thing , he 'd made her fear him ; in addition to that , she 'd threatened him too readily .
25 Such remarks , though a backhanded compliment in their implied assumption of her intelligence , made her hate him with such an intensity that she could actually feel herself start to tremble and sweat .
26 What could she possibly see in him to make her want him , except , as on that one night , out of gratitude , pity , curiosity or boredom ?
27 Her eyes swept across his face , and suddenly she had the almost overwhelming desire to tell him that it was n't important at all , that she was , inside , what he 'd called a real woman , one who wanted a home and children to fill it , and most of all a husband , a man who would take her in his arms and kiss her until nothing mattered except him , kiss her as Nicolo had , make her want him as she 'd wanted Nicolo …
28 When , after his assaults on her , she begs to be allowed to leave , her instinctive feeling for him makes her provide him with some hope of her return , or at least of their future communication .
29 she dragged Emma in there she dragged Emma in there and made her kiss him , made him kiss her .
30 He picked up her hand and put it on his cock ; then placed his own hand over hers and made her squeeze ; it was hot , even under the rough material of his trousers , and rolled about clumsily over the squidgier sack of his balls ; but he was panting , making stirring motions with his knees against her legs , working with his free hand at his waistband , until he freed himself from his flies and had wrapped her hand around his naked cock ; he spat on his hand and worked the spittle onto the skin , and when he made her hold him again , she felt the wetness on her fingers , and drying fast as he pumped himself up and down over her hand , pinning her hand under his .
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