Example sentences of "she [verb] look " in BNC.

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1 And if she 's called round she goes looking for a cardigan or something on .
2 Yeah , she looked a state but she looked she 's got two dogs and all her shoes have got rather attractive , as she says , V-shaped in the back of her shoe by these dogs and she comes in and she goes look !
3 No , she said er she said , she goes look Rich do you like ?
4 She turns to look at him .
5 She turns to look at him in surprise .
6 She turns to look at us as we go by , and I see that her face is old : small pink lips lost in a network of wrinkles , eyes still blue , still young under a pale , lined brow .
7 Who does she want to look like ?
8 She avoided looking at him , thinking with a fresh stab of disappointment about her mother 's announcement .
9 She avoided looking at Juliet , even though the latter was the subject of the discussion .
10 ‘ What am I ? ’ she asked looking at Tumbleweed , and then began to recite in a sing-song voice , ‘ with a stick in me hand and a stone in me throat , I walk through the land in me shiny , red coat . ’
11 Sometimes a girl is in conflict with her culture or religion in how she wants to dress and express herself , as Sneha ( Chapter 7 ) describes ; sometimes a young woman enjoys dressing a certain way but discovers that there are prejudices and stereotypes about the way she wants to look ; conflicts that might come from within , or from her family , her job , or the outside world .
12 He wants sex , she wants to look around the place and make condescending remarks .
13 erm , but I do n't see why she ca n't , whenever she wants to look for files , copy files and sort out other people 's mess
14 Do you know I ca n't remember the date , early part of March , early part of March , erm what she says at the moment is that er someone else from the college is going to Leicester next Wednesday when Helen 's going to Cardiff and this girl is then going to Cardiff when Helen should be going to Leicester , so Helen says , and she wants to look at the same subjects as what Helen does so Helen says that they 're gon na sort of go to the different colleges and compare notes when they come back from it so she might need n't want to go to Leicester
15 She strained to look up at him .
16 She stands looking at him .
17 She tried looking out of the window to the hospital 's green lawns and the tall eucalypts that stood motionless against a gloriously blue August sky , but found that looking away seemed too impolite .
18 He reached across the table and took her hand , which was a nuisance ; he would notice if she tried to look at her watch .
19 She tried to look pleased about it and tried to feel pleased too , but it was difficult .
20 She tried to look down at her feet , and could only just see them .
21 She tried to look as though all this were normal .
22 She tried to look over her shoulder , to see the face of the driver , to mouth some kind of warning to him but she could see nothing .
23 She tried to look past him , but it was almost impossible to see what or who was in the room beyond .
24 She tried to look at the thing calmly and sensibly , tried not to be aware of Deana and Sarah whispering at a table only a few yards distant , but felt too hurt and shocked to be rational .
25 She tried to look annoyed , but the teasing warmth in his hazel eyes disarmed her , and she found herself laughing along with him .
26 She tried to look surprised .
27 Turning away from a regard that seemed faintly menacing , she tried to look as though she knew what she was doing as she rearranged some sweaters .
28 She tried to look at his features .
29 She tried to look away , but he would n't let her .
30 She tried to look uninterested as she watched him go up to Helen and Edward , but when , after a minute or two , he turned and walked purposefully towards her , she knew a moment of near-panic .
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