Example sentences of "she [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now yer know what a cowson that Frank is. 'E told 'er ter piss orf out of it in no uncertain terms an' Maudie told 'im she was gon na send 'er ole man round ter sort 'im out .
2 Juliet was n't really hungry , but she politely accepted a small slice .
3 She politely thanked him , but told him they were n't welcome .
4 ‘ Did you order the bourbon and water , sir ? ’ she politely asked the empty high-backed chair in the living-room .
5 When he eventually introduced himself , she politely told him that she would rather pay her own bill and had enough money to do so .
6 Nor was she altogether satisfied with the box-office receipts for Caesar and Cleopatra .
7 She effectively ran this autonomous branch from the position of secretary until 1894 and remained as consultant until it was fully absorbed into the Institute in 1897 .
8 Her speech is not easy to understand but she effectively communicates her complete approval and enjoyment of the busy week when she went away .
9 Already a martyr to the cause of women 's rights , having suffered the torture of force-feeding while on hunger strike in Holloway , she additionally refused to drink or sleep .
10 The old woman seemed not to hear the children , yet on leaving The Courts to pass through another narrow alleyway , she bitterly emitted one word : ‘ Scum ! ’
11 By the same token it was a day she normally spent at home , catching up on her marking , preparation and research , and she bitterly resented having to sacrifice it .
12 She bitterly resented her husband 's domination by his younger brother .
13 Not that that in itself was a bad thing , she acknowledged — but she bitterly resented the fact that he , Adam Burns , should have that kind of influence over her .
14 It had n't been her imagination , and she bitterly resented the hypocrisy of his charge .
15 Was she badly hurt ?
16 But there was some hesitation when she enquired after Christopher whom she badly wanted to see when he could manage to get some leave .
17 ‘ Antonia told me she had been watching Mellor on TV in the run up to the General Election and said she had suddenly been taken over by this incredible desire for him and that she badly wanted to meet him .
18 The boxes inside the vault looked fascinating and she badly wanted to know what lay inside box number forty-seven , but not if it meant going into the sinister little room on her own .
19 She badly wanted to ask how he knew so much about dressing women , but controlled her curiosity .
20 ‘ I like your mother and I knew she badly wanted to stay . ’
21 She says she badly needs
22 A week had passed without the offer of one single outside ride ; she badly needed a winner .
23 Yet she badly needed an ally , a friend who would listen and advise .
24 Bernice suddenly found she badly needed a drink , but her hip flask was empty .
25 It seemed a long time since Dana 's phone call had brought Roman Wyatt into her life and she badly needed to be by herself to think about the turmoil he had caused in her ordered existence .
26 All the same , she badly needed some air and solitude , so she stepped out to the veranda , closed the door silently behind her , slipped off her high heels and held them in one hand , then padded on silent stockinged feet down the back stairs and into the garden .
27 She badly needed another drink but Maxim had n't finished his first yet .
28 A picture of the rat crossed her mind and she instinctively rubbed the back of her hand across her cheek .
29 As he leaned towards her she instinctively recoiled , colouring furiously as he smiled .
30 She instinctively knew what he was going through , drawing from the experience of her own troubled past ; and he found himself growing increasingly fond of her .
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