Example sentences of "but [not/n't] so " in BNC.

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1 It should be damp enough to hold together when squeezed in the hand , but not so wet that water still runs out through the fingers .
2 Some people do well in these but not so well in the squad ( and vice versa ) , presumably because of the different pressures each brings to bear .
3 This is great for the soul but not so hot for business .
4 I wonder if you are using ( in lectures ) a statement I remember you making in talk , but not so far as I can recall , in print .
5 SOME time ago , but not so far back that it can be dismissed as incidental , a belligerent centre-half , who needed very little encouragement in such nefarious matters , was instructed to discover how fast the visiting centre-forward could limp .
6 I thought the Sex stuff was a bit weird but not so weird that I did n't want to get involved with it .
7 But not so ( we are told ) : Conservative advocates of tariffs and social reforms like old age pensions , wages councils , regulation of sweated trades were , Fforde argues , simply engaged in ‘ principled opportunism ’ ; this was ‘ not Collectivist Conservatism but expedient Conservatism ’ , and to see it as otherwise would be to allow oneself to be ‘ misled by manufactured appearances ' or what Fforde describes elsewhere as the gap between ‘ professed stance and true intention ’ .
8 In the 1950s and 60s dowries in India went down generally because gold was controlled , but not so in East Africa , where dowries rose as though they would never stop .
9 They 're justification for the ‘ he-man ’ tag , with heavy everything at low speeds and not much more than a token lightening up as you press on harder , but not so heavy as to wipe out the sports car 's essential touch of delicacy .
10 Sometimes I forget people too , but not so often as places .
11 Her father , Earl Spencer , at that time Viscount Althorp , was the perfect gentleman to all who knew him , but not so gentlemanly behind closed doors .
12 These two combines were strong enough to focus filmmakers ' creative and entrepreneurial energies , but not so dominant that they crushed out other centres of initiative .
13 She is young but not so young as Chela , who says she is 18 but looks 16 at the most .
14 But not so terribly easy when a folder of crime-fighting guidance is left propped against every front door .
15 By an arrangement between father and son , a disentailment could be effected ; but not so as to alienate the fee ; rather to reduce the son 's interest to a life estate in remainder , with remainder to his issue successively in tail .
16 Pet Shop Boys : fine records , but not so good literally
17 It is important that you do your chosen exercise at a pace that makes you slightly breathless and increases your heart rate , but not so much that you can not maintain the exercise for at least twenty or thirty minutes .
18 It came on fitfully , but not so violently , several times on Thursday , and began severer threats towards night ; but I took between sixty and seventy drops of laudanum , and sopped the Cerberus , just as his mouth began to open .
19 The reason for this might be that it feels more possible to grieve the death of someone or something that is perhaps significant , but not so important as the death of the spouse .
20 As I said earlier , name identification campaigns are routine in the United States but not so common in Europe , although there have been cases where a candidate has been so successfully promoted that he has won , despite his local party 's unpopularity at the time .
21 ‘ I know he 's their trump card and the big draw , but not so much in one-day cricket , and I feel they overloaded him , ’ Mr Woolmer said .
22 The high regard with which the instructor force was held was best summed up by the comment that , ‘ Instructors are good professionals but not so sophisticated as to bemuse the trainees ’ .
23 These Newfoundland chaps here are most likeable — Nature 's children , woodsmen and fishermen , very tough physically , but not so ‘ smart-Alec ’ as the British soldier , and mostly of Scots and Irish descent .
24 He will work hard at competition for a female but not so hard for food .
25 Their power is stinted , but not so their will ;
26 It 's proving very difficult raising money for the sea wall because everybody likes to contribute towards buying something new but not so many like to repair something you have already got .
27 But not so for the Magyars who had been so praised in 1848 , ‘ an obscure semibarbarous people … still standing in the half-civilization of the sixteenth century ’ .
28 ‘ You have a lot of Asians and Caribbeans working in the foundry , but not so many in the other part , ’ Robyn observed , when they were back in the peaceful calm and comparative luxury of Wilcox 's office .
29 A big advantage of using a medium-speed film such as APE 100 is that it is fast enough for hand-held camera use but not so fast that on bright days creativity is limited by the necessary use of a small apertures or high shutter speed .
30 This was a problem as some of the hospital buildings would readily convert to offices , but not so to flats .
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