Example sentences of "this is the " in BNC.

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1 The amount of the annual covenant payment is specified in the Deed , and this is the sum that is payable each year .
2 This is the only court of appeal for cases tried by the military court , and looks only at points of law and not at facts and findings , thus providing a restricted appeal .
3 This is the system used by Sothebys :
4 This is the occasion when a reader can visit the same show and make a personal assessment of how helpful the art critic has been .
5 Perhaps this is the more important in the late twentieth century now that this means of image-making is so familiar that some people actually imagine that a photograph shows the world as it is .
6 Since then , he has written , among other things , The Mimic Men : while relatively unsuccessful , this is the novel which most resembles Guerrillas , and it undoubtedly ‘ diminishes ’ the politics of emergent countries by raising doubts about the character of their independence and the motives of their leaders .
7 This is the mid-Sixties , and homosexuals are being released from the closet by a law enacted by Parliament late in the novel .
8 By now , the reader may be on his way to deciding that this is the better world of the two , and to wondering if the poet is trying to get his own back .
9 This is the queen who was greeted , on a visit to a Scottish university , by the sight of a student emptying down his throat , at top speed , the contents of a bottle of alcohol .
10 This is the time you have worked towards , when you will be working on the ‘ showcase ’ productions which will provide opportunities for you to be seen publicly .
11 This is the first big lesson to learn .
12 This is the arrangement in Holland whereby various institutions such as media , schools , cultural organizations , welfare services , and hospitals are duplicated , and run by the separate catholic and protestant communities .
13 Related to this is the final principal belief element , the conviction of the legitimacy of force in maintaining the subordination of catholic nationalists within the statelet .
14 Indeed , this is the most significant aspect of the role of religion in the divisions and conflicts in Ireland and goes to the heart of the matter .
15 This is the moment and that is all .
16 It must be a measure of my confidence , he wrote , that I can now say , in these notes , without any kind of trepidation , that this is the major project of my life , that beside it the rest pales into insignificance , if it was not insignificant anyway , beside it or anything else .
17 This is the main reason why I have not until recently felt able to face the task of transcribing them and editing them in the way they .
18 A striking example of this is the list description for The Blue Bell in Fossgate , the last perfectly-surviving Victorian pub interior in York and one of only two pubs left in the city of truly national importance .
19 This is the pub as social institution , so much more than just a place for drinking .
20 This is the only hope for the conservation of pubs from a period with planning ideas so remote from our own .
21 This is the challenge for the brewers and their designers — to survive in the long term they must , in certain instances , address this radically broadened target market .
22 This is the start of the heavy banqueting season , leading up to Christmas , which should be a busy period for a lot of hotel restaurants .
23 This is the first time I 've had someone round to tea in years , and it happens on the very day I become homeless .
24 This is the most difficult part of my story for me to tell .
25 ‘ Yes , this is the real world , ’ I said out loud — too loud actually ; someone gave me a funny look .
26 This is the absolute minimum , and whenever possible much more room should be left , or an alternative landing area should be chosen .
27 If , by then , it is obvious that there is plenty of room to turn back into wind and land , this is the sensible thing to do .
28 ( Usually this is the pilot 's fault for holding the glider down too much during the initial climb , or failing to get right up into the normal angle of climb . )
29 Where this is the case , the full opposite rudder may not even appear to change the spin , and the spin will continue until the movement forward is sufficient .
30 Failure to do this is the only reason for a reversal of the spin from one direction to another .
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