Example sentences of "by [art] long " in BNC.

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1 After the Second World War the economic prosperity brought by the long postwar boom , and the apparent popularity of the Attlee government 's welfare reforms , allowed the paternalist orientations of Eden , Butler , and Macmillan to flourish , attenuated by the ‘ stops ’ forced by Britain 's ongoing balance-of-payments problem .
2 At 1100 hours all is set and the parade ground is filled by the long ranks of the 180 members of Training Company and the Pegasus Band all awaiting the arrival of the Inspecting Officer , Brigadier Mike Scott DSO CBE , who commanded the 1st Battalion of the Scots Guards in the Falklands War .
3 What had she been doing on her own up there by the long barrow ?
4 But what one chiefly saw was a landscape patterned by the long lines of vine running up to the wooded hilltops , a supremely domesticated landscape .
5 In December 1640 Sir John Finch , now Lord Keeper , was impeached by the Long Parliament .
6 Exhausted by the long words and the morning 's adventure in the corridors he had soon drifted off to sleep .
7 On this particular occasion it was doubled in time by the long army convoys crawling up the hills out of Lydney and Chepstow as the machine for war was ponderously assembled .
8 It was still dominated by the long nose and wide mouth , also by eyes of an intense pale blue , which always seemed to focus sharply and penetratingly on whoever he was talking to .
9 Coningham said that he had looked more closely at Scott 's scheme since the last debate , and ‘ could not acquiesce in the high opinion which that gentleman appeared to entertain of himself , judging by the long string of superlatives in his own praise with which he wound up his recent letter to The Times ' .
10 Shifting agriculture is not in itself environmentally harmful , as is evidenced by the long and generally successful history that this type of agriculture has enjoyed in tropical regions .
11 There is a kind of insularity at Lochranza cut off from the Corrie side by the great glens and hills of Sannox and on the other side by the long wild uninhabited coastal stretch to Catacol .
12 Zak 's intended scene of investigation into Angelica 's murder had been upstaged by the reality of the Lorrimores ' car and then aborted by the long stop at Thunder Bay .
13 Coming into the drawing-room later that day to bring in the tray of tea , Jess found Miss Phoebe standing by the long window .
14 Bored by the long fruitless wait outside James Lambert 's lodgings .
15 Even before Tasker and Boardman had set off on their last attempt Bonington and Adrian Gordon — the base camp manager — decided that they would go up the mountain to help with the descent from the North Col , concerned that if Tasker and Boardman reached the summit by the long ridge above the pinnacles , they would be close to collapse on their descent .
16 This was topped by the long white scarf and plain black , double twist crown .
17 The unlikely deal was probably finally swung by the long friendship between Ferguson and Wilkinson , who work closely together in the League Managers ' Association .
18 In the early 1780s Viennese society had not yet been drained of financial resources by the long and debilitating war against the Turks , and every aristocrat of note supported some kind of musical establishment , offering a performer such as Mozart plenty of opportunity to give concerts and play at salons .
19 Beinn Damh , identified by a conspicuous horseshoe of scree high on its south side , is usually climbed by the long ridge coming up from Loch Torridon .
20 After her coat was thrown down on to the couch , to be followed by the long mud-fringed skirt and tattered voluminous blouse , there appeared before the child a fat woman , a very fat woman , in what seemed to be a clean blue-striped blouse and a long grey skirt with a fringe .
21 We were already worn down by the long night and another was almost unthinkable — our sleeping bags would be a frozen mass of down by evening .
22 Demoralised by the long war against the Dwarfs , the Elves are in no position to deal with the resurgent Naggarothi .
23 This was encouraged by the long depression of prices .
24 Dead trees turn out to be commonplace — hundreds of them standing knee deep in the wide , slow meanders of the Murray River or more loosely scattered in a macabre parkland where what passes for good grazing has been toasted a mauvy brown by the long summer sun .
25 A retrospective of works by the long neglected and little known French painter Henri Foreau ( 1866–1938 ) is being held by Paris dealers Marie-Christine Carlioz and Hélène Bucaille Feau in Galerie de la Scala from 18 November to 11 December .
26 Halfway between here and Ales ( on the D981 ) is the tiny village of Seynes , not quite overlooked by the long limestone escarpment behind and left of the village .
27 They warm them by pressing them against brood patches , areas of skin naked of feathers which a bird may develop specially for the breeding season or have permanently on its breast concealed by the long feathers growing around them .
28 Much of the upland moors are given a scale and a softer appearance by the long fingers of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century stone walls which push up their valley sides .
29 Jean-Claude , exhausted by the long ride from Paris and a late night of in-toxication , moaned something unintelligible as I got out of bed , rolled over and promptly went back to sleep .
30 In its shadow , in a square of orange brickwork part hidden by the long grass , stood a circular pool .
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