Example sentences of "at each [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She turned away , shutting her eyes to adjust them to the darkness , and then with no further hesitation she was going down the rope hand over hand , her feet and knees checking at each knot .
2 At each survey children are measured and parents are asked to complete a self administered questionnaire .
3 At each turn of the zigzag , the wheelbarrow toppled , and when I was tacking into the wind , grit , picked up by the wheel was blown into my eyes and mouth .
4 The actions taken by both leaders and followers have , at each turn of the wheel of fortune , helped to create the next round of change .
5 We followed lamblike , dropping like ninepins at each turn .
6 In practice it is often difficult to define bibliographical types in a way that gives a reliable guide to content , and the selector is best advised to look at each bibliography individually .
7 At each quantity of hours , SS ' ; lies vertically above SS by a distance reflecting the tax on earnings from the last hour worked .
8 To complete the picture it is necessary to add that , at each reference to babies and new life , Mrs Bostock and Eliza Waters had exchanged meaningful smiles .
9 The mainframe is linked to detection boxes developed by Granada , which are based at each customer 's site .
10 In each case the ordinate shows the relative cleavage at each bond , presented on an arbitrary scale .
11 In each case the ordinate shows the relative cleavage at each bond , presented on an arbitrary scale .
12 In the last analysis , they relate to the number of pits , and the number of jobs available at each pit .
13 At these moments he looks closely at each inch of her face , like a valuer frowningly examining some precious object .
14 And he had assistants at each yard you see .
15 If many paths pick up additional cost at each expansion , then the cost of a path will increase with its length .
16 Backwards and forwards the engine passes , increasing its load at each operation , until behind its tender it may have a string of vehicles more than two hundred yards in length with a brake van in the rear .
17 There is instant access to funds at each maturity date .
18 In fact , a pre-school child may swallow 0.3 grams to 0–4 grams of toothpaste at each brushing ( Journal of Dental Research , vol 5 p 1317 ) .
19 When one heard the whistle in the distance , one 's whole body contracted to resist the too excessively potent vibrations of the explosion , and at each repetition it was a new attack , a new fatigue , a new suffering .
20 The opportunity should be taken to also look at each Branch constitution to see if any need to be revised in the light of the new legislation .
21 Dancers easily understand how a series of swift pas de bourrée courus ( i.e. running on the toes ) as danced by the Queen of the Wilis in Giselle , differs from the same step performed piqué ( i.e. each foot picked up sharply at each change of weight ) , as in many of petipa 's solos .
22 This checklist is to be used at each change of activity .
23 Drybulb and dewpoint temperatures of air were regulated at each 7.6m along the chamber to track temporal variation in the glasshouse .
24 The daytime drybulb temperature and vapour pressure deficit of air after regulation at each 7.6m along the chamber were a mean 26°C ) during the time sampled leaves of oats and mustard expanded and 20.6°C ( N= 24 ) and 1.13kPa ( N= 19 ) during wheat growth .
25 The small changes in drybulb and dewpoint temperatures between points of regulation at each 7.6m along the chamber had no significant influence on the relationship of c i /c a of individual species or cultivars to c a .
26 Modern F&B managers would delight at the instructions to waitresses to ‘ only half fill the Cups with Coffee ( unless asked to fill them up ) and add Boiled Milk but do not quite fill the Cups ’ , or , for dinner , ‘ Begin at Right end of each Division and with a Bill of Fare held in front of each Person , at each course , ask , naming the article , what they will have . ’
27 It was a sprawling split-level place where you could take on board anything from a glass of beer to a four-course dinner plus the right wines at each course and with about as much choice about where to sit : at tables in the middle at booths and alcoves at the sides on the bar stools on other stools up against long shelves .
28 He looked at each man in turn .
29 He looked at each man in turn and waited for their compliance .
30 They spent only a minute or so at each tree , cleaning off dried latex , adjusting the collecting supports and making new incisions through which the day 's latex could escape .
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