Example sentences of "at no [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Out of 72 cases only 20 resulted in the ministry obtaining compensation or remedial work at no cost to themselves .
2 The honours system provides governments with a means of distributing favours at no cost .
3 It has now been built at no cost to the state beyond a concession .
4 A dreadful second shot from the perfect position in the middle of the 10th fairway had to be retrieved with a deft bunker shot ; he was deep in the trees at the 11th , where he took five , and bunkered at the 12th , though again at no cost to him .
5 Divers may write , phone or fax us , at no cost of course .
6 This means you get them at no cost at all .
7 This code is available at no cost upon request .
8 They can learn from their mistakes at no cost to the relative or the patient .
9 ‘ In some cases the street lighting is poor and such shops signs give much needed additional light at no cost to the chargepayer . ’
10 You can also obtain a card by phoning 0800 444136 at no cost to yourself .
11 For 40 years , Britain 's professional scrap processors have been turning unwanted cars into furnace feed to help make British Steel more efficient — at no cost to the public .
12 Net donations from UK taxpayers can be increased through covenants or Gift Aid by one third at no cost to the donor , and no tax is payable on any income or gains from any source .
13 It pays to be prepared — and the Sleep-safe Smoke Alarm can help that preparation at no cost to you !
14 In addition to income from benefits and pensions , elderly households also receive a considerable amount of services in kind , largely at no cost to themselves , mainly from relatives but also from the statutory health and social services .
15 This means you can pay in and withdraw cash or cheques , at any of our branches or at our self-service banking machines ; issue standing orders and direct debits to pay club subscriptions etc , at no cost — however often you use them .
17 This was the unplanned beginning of a process whereby the Liberal government gradually withdrew provision for deserving groups from the Poor Law , at no cost to the Exchequer and as little as possible to local rates .
18 For the employers , that stake in personal power also provided , at no cost , the work that made miners ' work possible .
19 More than a hundred Unionist MPs were usually away from the House on military service , and 125 Unionist agents served in the trenches ; the party organization was used in the war effort at no cost to the country ; every local party was decimated by volunteers who joined up in the first rush ; and at every level , the number who joined up was more than matched by those indirectly involved through recruiting , raising money , running war charities or breeding remounts .
20 Joanna Slaughter of the Observer , estimates that a backdated personal pension plan of 9.05 per cent of band earnings is there for the asking at no cost to the employee ( Observer , 26 June 1986 ) .
21 The landowner was letting the buildings return to dust , but no doubt he would be grateful to have them re-stored at no cost to himself .
22 Paper circulates today in vast quantities , and you need only to retrieve some of this to provide yourself with an adequate body of notes at no cost at all .
23 There would be a boost to industry from the greater net disposable income , and at no cost to the consumer in need , because VAT does not apply to food and necessities .
24 If a worker-led bid came forward and there were employees within a company who had drive , initiative and new ideas about how it could be run more successfully and provide more services at no cost to the public purse , why should they , in effect , be disqualified without their case ever having been studied by those who are supposed to study the bids ?
25 In this respect , CD-ROMS have more in common with printed abstracts and indexes , so Library users can search them directly at no cost to themselves .
26 Latecomers into the field benefit from all this initial work — at no cost .
27 Photographs can be taken and scanned to produce pictures , but a video camera cuts out the photographic process and allows real-life images to be included in documents at no cost other than the initial outlay .
28 Indeed , in the four years to 1991 , the company supplied The Journal every month at no cost to the RIBA membership , other than that of the distribution to overseas members .
29 said ‘ I am not at present persuaded , however , that the condition in section 14(2) is excluded if at the time the contract is made the buyer is reasonably of the opinion that the defect can be , and will be , rectified at no cost to himself . ’
30 Distribution of Investment Overviews should be done at no cost to the initiating member or his client .
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