Example sentences of "at an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to this , he thought it might be possible to work with a sympathetic artist in a good studio , and perhaps take lessons at an academy .
2 It 's just at an inch this in n it Mark ?
3 While the Government would like to aim at an insurance pool of around £500m a year , the industry thinks this would be optimistic .
4 Eighty jobs are to go at an insurance group in Gloucester .
5 Another result of training is that the different signals arriving at an element often have similar values , except that some are positive and some negative .
6 Mrs Shephard hinted strongly yesterday at an element of compulsion in some of the schemes being considered to help those out of work for more than one year .
7 Investigators went on to discover a drawing also entitled ‘ La maison de Mimi Pinson ’ at an auctioneer 's in Limoges in central France .
8 I 've never looked at an elephant 's eyelashes before .
9 But in terms of effect , the firms are taking aim at an elephant with a fly swatter .
10 But a day had come in the Sixties when he was in one of the elephant houses and was staring up at an elephant as it walked neurotically round and round its tiny area when a sudden memory of some of the places he had been kept in during the war had come to him ; no space , no freedom , no life .
11 At an elephant 's toe ,
12 Although air and fuel vapour will burn when mixed in proportions ranging between 8:1 and 20:1 ( by weight ) , complete combustion occurs only at an air/fuel ratio of about 15:1 .
13 Alex Mair said : ‘ I could argue that what you are killing is n't a child and that repugnance at an act is n't evidence of its immorality . ’
14 I was particularly distressed when I personally sanctioned his return to operational flying after a short period as an instructor at an OTU .
15 Press accounts of the IAEA 's report based on the preliminary findings of its sixth inspection team [ see p. 38451 ] indicated that there was conclusive proof of an extensive Iraqi nuclear weapons programme , the hub of which was located at an installation in Al Atheer , about 60 km south of Baghdad .
16 When back pain and arthritis are the problems it can help to take short rests or breaks from a long stint in one position — say sitting at a desk or standing at an ironing-table .
17 The main technical problems concern delivering stimulation at an intensity that mirrors the level of activity that occurs spontaneously in the brain , and determining which structures have been affected by it .
18 From the sowing date onwards the plants remain in a controlled environment , with temperature 20°C , humidity constant and warm-white lighting at an intensity of about 40 Wm -2 for eight hours a day , darkness sixteen hours a day .
19 Some councils have also set up local enterprise boards ( many of which are now organized on a regional basis ) which operate at an arms-length from the councils and are separate legal entities with a commitment to working with financial and commercial agencies to encourage local investment .
20 I then returned to the little inn where I had ordered dinner to be ready at an hour early enough to allow me to walk back to Ballachulish in time for the calling of the steamboat on its Fort William route .
21 A man might be sacked at an hour 's notice , perhaps after giving years of service , yet received no compensation , no redundancy payment .
22 She judged the first to be that of some official and wondered what such a one would be doing there at an hour now close to midnight .
23 Just as well , for with the state the country was in people would be wary of a stranger who 'd come knocking on their door at an hour when they might be warm and snug at the gates of dreamland .
24 He never ate between breakfast and sunset , but could not last without tea until the meal he clearly still found extraordinary , eaten by wax candlelight in the dining-room at an hour when all his shepherds were asleep .
25 At the end of each evening he would stumble home at an hour when most of the villagers were in bed asleep .
26 They adopted the time-honoured device of spending the night together at an hotel , but Herbert , nervous that something might go wrong , overtipped the chambermaid , who then through misplaced gratitude would not give the required evidence against him .
27 Three weeks at an hotel with German waiters , half of them spies . ’
28 The Moorings ' holidays offered through Caribbean Connection range from fully crewed charter to combined hotel and sailing holidays where you stay at an hotel on Tortola or St Lucia , either learning to sail or combining the pleasures of a beach holiday with sailing .
29 Following Harris ( 1975 ) 62 Cr App R 28 ( CA ) , a person who books a room at an hotel implies that he has money to pay .
30 At Tangier , he would stay at an hotel nearby . ’
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