Example sentences of "at the time " in BNC.

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31 Now I 'm not able to do tutorials for you this term at the times that you 're available cos they clash with lectures that I do er for another course .
32 Paul , you looked up at the times .
33 So I mean , we could , we could recruit people in to do it , but the problem there is they 've got to be free at the times when this course runs .
34 I think we are providing a good service here and we 're meeting the needs of people erm we are providing a service on Thursday , Friday , Saturday and Sunday now at the times which are identified by officers as the crucial times when people actually need the service .
35 I think that people need to know what we are providing so we need to be monitoring , continually monitoring that this is actually at the times it 's meeting people 's needs and I 'm sure that we will be hearing from members if it was n't , and we 're not I mean it seems to me that the level of services provided now is very satisfactory and we should n't y'know , obviously give our officers support to continue .
36 I left school in 1942 and got a job at the airport , which at the times we were living in always something exciting seemed to be happening .
37 Have a look at the times anyway yeah ?
38 At the time you enter a Deed of Covenant , the covenant should be capable of lasting for more than 3 years , and there should be the intention by you that it does so .
39 Under Gift Aid there are no formalities at the time of the gift , just a cheque or cash gift to the charity .
40 The donor must be resident in the United Kingdom at the time that the gift is made .
41 I was particularly impressed by the way you managed to organise all the available services so efficiently — just at the time when we were beginning to wonder how we 'd manage . ’
42 At the time , Dr. Zúñiga was working on the case of student Ernesto Castillo Páez , who ‘ disappeared ’ after he was reportedly detained by police on 21 October 1990 in Lima .
43 Her mother was only about 21 at the time — she had been married when only 13 .
44 What private letters from an artist can do best is to elucidate what was uppermost in an artist 's mind at the time , often artistic aims which would be difficult to discover otherwise .
45 Heron shows in his article a deep sympathy with Braque 's work , which , incidentally , was a sort of painting he himself was seeking to practise at the time .
46 T. Behrens gives the impression that he has more to say about himself than the progress of this mad love — to which he did not stand all that close at the time , brother as he was — has allowed him to come up with .
47 There is a bleakness which centres on Patrick 's infidelities : but it may also be true that the rudeness and aggression with which Jenny , their sex object , is treated by various chuntering males has grown grimmer with the years than it was reckoned to be , by the author , by me and by many of his readers , at the time .
48 It is dated December 1959 , and may therefore have been written at the time that Take a girl like you was being completed .
49 Finding characters for yourself will , 1 think , depend a good deal on your personal taste in theatre at the time you are auditioning .
50 At the time of independence the Daily Citizen was undoubtedly free .
51 And because , as I say , of my conventional background there seemed at the time a tendency to think of me as a reactionary young man .
52 After all we knew that subsidy did n't exist to subsidise empty seats but rather the necessary and new ideas that were wanted at the time .
53 But I had very little idea of anything at the time and I did n't do very much acting .
54 I remember there was seventy-five girls to seven men at the time .
55 The Alliance Party of Northern Ireland , formed at the time of the abolition of the Stormont parliament , represents those catholics , protestants , and others who disavow the twin alliance of Ireland but retain at least a practical attitude on sovereignty .
56 It is important to note that the political party system in the Republic of Ireland is largely based on the divisions in the national-popular consciousness which occurred at the time of the Irish civil war .
57 Though the case is complex and the minister has joined the Anglican communion , the elements of the case at the time are quite significant .
58 When asked if they would like subventions from the state to aid their stipends and church buildings , a move which was being seriously considered by the British government at the time , priests and bishops were united in rejecting the idea on the grounds that it would drive a wedge between clergy and people , identifying clergy with the principal enemies of the people .
59 De Tocqueville 's notes reveal not only the conscious opposition to such a mode of religious power but also how deep the solidarity between clergy and people was , the degree to which the poor , half the catholic population at the time , looked to the clergy for material and spiritual leadership , guidance , and assistance , and how much they trusted them .
60 The present writer , who was not connected with the survey , estimated that there was about a 15 per cent non-Roman catholic element on the estate at the time .
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