Example sentences of "at the local " in BNC.

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1 11.00am — Tony has been given an appointment at the local hospital .
2 She understood that he was imagining her in a swimsuit with sleek hair at the local pool or in a short , white dress on a tennis court .
3 He worked at the local riding stable cum farm .
4 Enquiries about the social fund , ( Page 2 ) income support ( Page 2 ) and fuel direct ( Page 8 ) should be made at the local office of the Department of Social Security .
5 You can find their address at the local Citizens Advice Bureau , or in the telephone directory under ‘ community health council ’ .
6 He tricks its members into thinking they are part of a revolutionary network extending across Russia , and at the local level he generates pseudo-purposeful activities which culminate in Shatov 's murder .
7 In giving his provisional ‘ No ’ , Mr Patten said : ‘ Only if Hampshire County Council and the districts address the issue of distribution ( of new houses ) together , and take account of opinion at the local level , are we likely to reach solutions which both meet the housing requirement and satisfy local environmental concerns . ’
8 Once the best you could hope for was a 50-year-old prima ballerina who sometimes starred at the local opera house .
9 Meantime , he was employed at the local grocery store as a delivery boy delivering groceries to the local customers on his bike .
10 At the local level , too , there were calls for the maximum amount of latitude in self-administration .
11 Only at the close of the summer did things improve at the central , though not yet at the local level .
12 The pressure for an increase in wage levels , at least as agreed at the local branch or shop-floor , steadily mounted , and in the 1977–8 pay round settlements averaged over 1 5 per cent .
13 There 's even more ammunition for the Limited driver to unload in the performance-over-a-pint discussion at the local pub .
14 Should they be making low-budget films pitched largely at the local market and emphasizing their Britishness , as the critics demand , or big films on the Hollywood model for the world ?
15 Their success in this area so changed the way British films were perceived that , in 1932 , a year when a large number of exhibitors substantially over-filled their quota , the American showbiz journal Variety reported on ‘ the complete stranglehold the home-made pictures had established at the local box office . ’
16 After all , it was one of the aims of the quota legislation to foster an industry that could promote Britain just as American films promoted America and , with only ten British films a year grossing £100,000 at the local box office , the financiers backing British film companies began to push for expansion .
17 The children sit for normal exams at the local school and have so far maintained a necessary standard .
18 In paper bags , at the local independent , they cost 15p .
19 If the computer can not find the part at the local air base , the request is automatically forwarded , via satellite , to the right place back in America .
20 He had taken a ‘ Development ’ course at the local university .
21 Within a year Labour was recapturing some of the political ground which it had lost at the local elections in November 1931 .
22 With an ability to take a hardcore hip hop track and make the curly-permed DJ at the local disco understand it , Cook became the pop rap remix king ; an indispensable link in the chain that brought Brooklyn to Basildon and Basingstoke .
23 Shortly before he died , Mary had noticed that she had great difficulty swallowing food , had gone to her doctor and he had organized X-rays and tests at the local hospital .
24 The first piece , however , was made at the local Syrian mint , at Antioch .
25 David and his pals spent long summer days at the local swimming pool and they were out to impress the girls .
26 In Chichester the local Council was able to force the Bishop to dedicate , and not to consecrate , the new chapel at the local asylum ; even the mad could not escape the Council 's power .
27 It was William and Hugh who led the foresters and verderers to search the houses of suspects for evidence and arrest offenders , and who presided at special inquests on Forest offences , and at the local Forest courts .
28 Contrast that with the two miners and mere four who also dirty their hands : Jim D'Avila ( Swindon ) , a worker at the local Rover car plant ; Nick Ainger ( Pembroke ) , a rigger ; Llewellyn Smith ( Michael Foot 's successor in Blaenau Gwent ) , a former factory worker ; and Bob Ainsworth ( Coventry NE ) , a sheet metal worker .
29 He watches a man arrive who , we discover , has come to take the cure at the local sanatorium .
30 Brought up bilingual in English and Yiddish , young Molly made her stage debut in an English-language variety act at the local nickleodeon when she was five .
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