Example sentences of "at the government " in BNC.

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1 The sawyers at the government mill at Kinlochrannoch were good friends of Cameron 's , and might try to bring out their neighbours , although they themselves were still felt to be incomers .
2 The Royal College of Nursing is to lobby Parliament on 24 October in protest at the Government 's plans to shake up the National Health Service , the union has announced .
3 This in turn will be supplemented by other key decisions last night : for a law — unprecedented here placing emergency powers at the government 's disposal by the end of October , and for another Bill within a month to regulate rail traffic .
4 Mr Endara , looking drawn from a 16-day-hunger strike in protest at the government refusal to recognise his victory in May 's annulled election , was unharmed but two aides at the Liberal Party office , which serves as the opposition coalition headquarters , were arrested .
5 Above : Katharine Hamnett , top fashion designers , is acutely disappointed at the government 's lack of investment in the industry .
6 The action in London had an immediate effect elsewhere as crews began to protest at the Government 's intervention .
7 The action taken in London had an immediate affect elsewhere as ambulance crews began to protest at the Government 's intervention .
8 The action taken in London had an immediate affect elsewhere as ambulance crews began to protest at the Government 's intervention .
9 Then ‘ sheer revulsion ’ at the Government , combined with Neil Kinnock 's TV campaign for more members , pricked his conscience .
10 Mr Rollins will be offering half price entry to GCHQ staff , the most cunningly cheap special offer in the history of marketing : staff at the Government 's intelligence gathering centre are not permitted to identify themselves .
11 It 's only worth using MPs to have a go at the government , and then you spoon-feed it to them . ’
12 But the clinching reasons were national : alarm at the soaring cost of German unity and fury at the government 's recent decision to raise taxes , after it had said last year that it would not .
13 The ten-year programme represents not so much a strategy for growth ; it is more a guess at the government 's ability to rein in the booming provinces of the southern coast and the Yangtze delta .
14 I did not think much of the CPRS blunderbuss which seemed to be aimed firmly at the Government 's feet .
15 As we have noted , surveys on the poll tax conducted in the first half of 1990 mapped not only the considerable public hostility to the tax , but also the fact that the blame for it was firmly laid at the government 's door .
16 One result was the triumphant expansion of some charitable organizations , which rejoiced both at their new-found importance and at the Government 's munificence .
17 He was embittered , as could be expected , at the government 's neglect of the Canadian Indian , and he resented the laws that made it an offence to sell liquor to an Indian and which confined the original Canadian population to reservations .
18 During tests at the government 's Fire Research Station , an ordinary mattress reached a temperature of 108°C after catching fire , and produced 313 cubic metres of smoke .
19 Experiments at the government 's Fire Research Station have revealed that one of the main safety precautions that British hotels take against fire could be useless .
20 Many leaders of various churches have voiced dismay at the Government 's original proposals for the closure of may coal mines , now under review .
21 The Champagne houses were naturally outraged at the government 's ineptitude and drew up a vociferous protest , signed by eighty participants , condemning the publicity given to the ministerial communiqué .
22 Cynics have noted that the Northern Ireland team under the former attorney general , Sir Patrick Mayhew , is well-placed to forge friendly relations with the Ulster Unionists , should by-elections nibble away at the government 's majority .
23 K Thousands of coal miners marched through central London to protest at the Government 's bungled pit closures .
24 They did so on 3rd January 1973 and emphasised the public consternation at the government 's apparent inability to take effective action against the assassins .
25 David Kern , NatWest 's chief economist , lashed out at the Government for a ‘ lack of a coherent framework for monetary policy ’ .
26 Black social workers expressed concern this week at the government 's criticisms of the social work training council 's anti-discriminatory policies .
27 ABSWAP deputy chairman Fabian Best ( left ) , and chairwoman Pennie Pennie : ‘ Concerned at the government 's reaction to CCETSW 's positive steps ’
28 Quantities are easily misjudged , as work in Britain at the government 's Warren Spring Laboratory has shown .
29 In the first place , there was the range of benefits at the government 's disposal — subsidies , credit , large contracts , tariff protection .
30 In 1981 the CUC acted corporately with a timely and well organised protest at the Government financial cuts .
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