Example sentences of "at the good " in BNC.

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1 Fr Fred Franklin , from Lincoln , describes the attendance at the Good Friday liturgy this year as being something he could never have imagined , with churches crowded to the doors and congregations flooding out to fill the church courtyards .
2 The opportunity to win a champagne evening for two at the Good Old Days .
3 A framed certificate was presented to her at the Good Companions ' meeting last week by chairman Janet Gill .
4 In this situation , it is often useful to look back at the good things you have achieved and the good times you 've enjoyed in the past .
5 Perhaps the best one of all happened again at the good old reception desk at the BBC , but this time not to me .
6 Sometimes he and Hayward would invite friends to dinner at the Good Intent , a restaurant in the Kings Road , or entertain at home .
7 With the most artfully devised deliberation she managed not to avoid it , tripped spectacularly in such a fashion that she fell forward , the contents of the tea-tray , cups , saucers , dregs of tea , milk , sugar and cream cakes , all cascading neatly into Mrs Darrell 's lap , with McAllister herself , purple in the face as a consequence of stifling a dreadful desire to laugh , landing gracefully on her knees at the good lady 's feet .
8 You do n't have to spend hours trudging around shops and in the kitchen to produce a perfect meal , just call into Victoria at the Good Food Shop in the Craft Village , between Shipquay Street and Magazine Street .
9 It stared at the good eye moving frantically in its socket .
10 Maybe in forty years time , people will be looking back at the good old days of the Nineties to see which rising stars started their careers playing North-East venues .
11 Now the former staff sergeant is taking orders with the Edwards twins at the good old St Cuthbert 's Inn at Scorton , where we paraded the other night .
12 I 'm not sure that a radial-arm saw is accurate enough for this at the best of times , but , at the moment , mine rattles up and down its rails like a train in the sidings , and is definitely not fit for the job .
13 If savings have been set aside for a funeral , and would now pay for one at current prices , that money , invested at the best rate of interest , may be enough to pay for the funeral when it occurs .
14 Psycho-history is a derelict enterprise at the best of times , and who can be sure about the mental health of any of the great heroes of the past ?
15 A serious petrol shortage is only making things worse — bus travel , crowded at the best of times , is now cruel and inhumane .
16 ‘ Her reports were at the best misleading and at worst untrue reports , ’ Mr McMillan said .
17 This is hazardous at the best of times , using a crane and the natural motion of the sea to lock and unlock the mexeflote cells .
18 Death made little sense at the best of times .
19 With me coming from the North of England , everybody is pretty reserved up there at the best of times , so coming down to London and meeting Angie with an American accent and flitting around the room and speaking in a loud voice all the time , it was amazing .
20 But statements are unlikely to prevent a heightening of suspicions which are always fairly strong even at the best of times , and that could make it harder for the North to get the global climate convention it is seeking .
21 A combination of justified annoyance , guilt and weeks of overwork blew John McLeish 's temper to shreds instantly , and Francesca , seriously over-stressed and not one to duck a quarrel at the best of times , responded in kind .
22 Building societies are legally obliged to sell repossessed properties at the best possible price .
23 Such a transfer is difficult to achieve at the best of times .
24 Selling houses to the poor may not be compatible with minimising the losses to taxpayers , which requires selling assets at the best price available .
25 At the worst they were little better off than the best paid sections of the working class and at the best they were able to afford a distinctively different education for their children and adopt a lifestyle which aped their financial betters .
26 There were clearly changes occurring , and the borderlines between social classes , never very clear at the best of times , were probably less precise than they had been before the First World War — though class barriers were by no means collapsing in the real world of health , education and social opportunity .
27 They can be a bit thick at the best of times , ; you know that amphora you sent me ? well my lot only went and peed in it — I have to go now , Tony 's coming for his Osso Buco .
28 But back in LA , the tension between illusion and reality — taut at the best of times — has finally snapped .
29 They 're simply irresistible , says Graham Rice , as he looks at the best types to grow
30 This was brought home to me recently when I went into mine ( a rash and dangerous move at the best of times ) to fetch the hosepipe .
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