Example sentences of "at time to " in BNC.

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1 Heaven forbid , but the urge to shoehorn into the calendar as much of it as possible continues unabated , leading at times to brain-numbing events such as the three-match Pakistan versus England knockabout immediately after the World Cup — which was a bit like lighting the cigar after a five-course a la carte dinner , then having the waiter arrive with a tureen of porridge .
2 Britain seemed at times to be close to open class war ; Mrs Thatcher denounced ‘ the enemy within ’ .
3 The Waste Land seems at times to be attempting to piece together some new religion out of fragments of the old .
4 You and Osman , you and the Fry , though you have told me of your perfect freedom and exchange of ideas etc. were never freer than Edward and I. Sometimes I wonder that I can speak to him as I do , never before having known a boy , and having only you at times to ‘ let out , on .
5 BJORN BORG has a typically stubborn riposte to those saddened by the sight of one of the game 's greatest champions being reduced at times to a level barely above that of a novice .
6 Communities in which there is a very special relationship between the individual and his neighbours , regulated to some extent by statute , but to a very much greater extent by custom and consensus ; and , of course , subject at times to the frictions and disruptions which are inevitable in any human situation .
7 In short , the CD3 is a solid and meaty sounding deck , verging at times to rich in balance , yet remaining tonally close enough to neutral to avoid censure on the grounds of lack of tonal realism .
8 It is tempting to imagine an exchange of information and assistance between gypsies and witches , both being subjected at times to severe persecution .
9 Moreover , some of the countries where xenophobia has been politically mobilised very powerfully are , like France , also countries which in the past received , even encouraged , and successfully assimilated mass immigration to an extent almost comparable at times to the US : Italians , Spaniards , Poles , even North Africans .
10 He was a North-countryman , and the bluntness of his approach to many issues should be considered , I think , as a traditional North-country attitude , exaggerated at times to the point of obtuseness ; it may have been merely a defence mechanism .
11 He seems at times to be reassuring himself of his grip upon a world of his own devising .
12 In consequence , that aspect of it which links it with previous practice has diminished almost at times to the point of disappearance .
13 4.3.1 The Non-academic Parties ( other than the Lead Organization ) will provide to the Lead Organization at times to be agreed , but not more frequently than at 3 monthly intervals , a statement of net eligible costs as defined in the Grant Offer Letter .
14 Both stand outside religion , as formally understood ; but sympathetically , as if longing at times to be inside , and sadly conscious of its insuperable intellectual difficulties .
15 The Royal Navy equivalent award — the Distinguished Service Cross ( DSC ) , and the Army equivalent award — the Military Cross ( MC ) , will be covered in a later article within this series , both awards having been awarded at times to members of the RAF .
16 Gilligan seems at times to be suggesting that women are naturally , rather than socially , inclined towards giving relationship-oriented moral judgements .
17 It is said to drop at times to below 8 , but I have never yet lost it with 7 × 50 binoculars .
18 This remained fraught , but the tension was comparable at times to that between government politicians and public service broadcasters in , say , the Britain of Wilson and Callaghan or Margaret Thatcher .
19 The strong normative bias in the study of social policy has led at times to a greater preoccupation with criticism of policies than with attempts to discover why they take the forms they do .
20 However it may feel at times to them as individuals , and whatever compulsions they sense from relatives and friends to ‘ get through ’ their course , the fact is that they could withdraw without any legal penalty at least .
21 Challis draws a distinction between geographical decentralisation and resource decentralisation where ‘ decisions over the precise allocation of resources are formally pushed to a lower level than is usual , at times to the individual field worker , to ensure more appropriate allocation of resources ’ .
22 Unblinkingly observed , his portraits seem close at times to the spirit of the German Neue Sachlickeit .
23 The men of the family always formed a very solid front to the outside world , and at times to their womenfolk , and as it had been the custom among their people for children to be looked after by the men on the mother 's side of the family , especially if a brother had no issue of his own , they did n't see why the sisters were making such a fuss .
24 Rory made left and right turns in quick succession , seemed to go back on himself , seemed at times to be driving blind .
25 erm Yes to a great deal erm extent erm when a new player or a new coach comes into a side , it 's very difficult at times to erm settle into a pattern or a way that you want to work with him , and erm I think now erm we 're beginning to understand that , the way he wants to play .
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