Example sentences of "at [adv] some " in BNC.

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1 The problem is not susceptible of so simple a solution , however , since Mehmed Sah 's death is duly recorded under the events of the year 839 in the two early texts of Nesri ( 838 in the Ankara edition , p. 618 ) , at only some fifteen lines ' remove from the troublesome entry for 838 .
2 ( Palestinian sources had recently estimated their total numbers in Kuwait at only some 107,000 . )
3 These are the ones I am particularly anxious about at the moment , erm , now I 've put down four different headings on this particular way that I think we could help , erm , and hopefully , if there 's two hundred perhaps you 'd tell me whether there 's two hundred thousand is aimed at perhaps some of it , in , in this direction or not , I do n't know ?
4 Let's have a look at just some of these .
5 Secondly , it has been held that ‘ the pressure may touch off at once some form of words . ’
6 At the end of the twentieth century , at least some colour illustrations are likely to find places in a monograph .
7 At least some of the extra cost of stockholding is likely to be passed on to the caterer .
8 So , I pull handfuls of weed and leave it near the water 's edge , giving at least some of the creatures the chance to nip back into the water again .
9 In consciousness alone is it possible to confront at least some empirical properties and apprehend them directly , and if consciousness is analysed in terms of some purely non-mental notion this grasp is lost ; just as , in the analysis of thought , if the irreducible generality of thought is analysed away , our ability to think and refer is wished away with it .
10 I made my way home each night with at least some notion of hope and plans for a new assault on Wilde .
11 But two entirely new yards were opened towards the end of the decade , showing that BR envisages at least some need for shunting for the foreseeable future !
12 Strong words , but certainly European broadcasters have shown remarkable unanimity in rapidly implementing at least some basic RDS facilities on their national and local services .
13 In principle it would be quite possible for the study of English poetry to begin in a similar ab initio fashion , except that it would be fruitless for someone to embark on it who did not have at least some familiarity with poetry and a wish to read more .
14 But witnesses later said they saw employees beating at least some of the birds to death , while the report found that the shed , which could properly hold only three birds , had been packed with 72 .
15 Mukddaam easily disposed of his more experienced stable companion , Marienski , in a racecourse gallop at Newbury , and as the latter ran creditably in last Saturday 's Royal Lodge Stakes , Mukddaam clearly shares at least some of Nashwan 's ability .
16 The muddled thinking that makes us claim at least some vague idea of what God is leads us disastrously to thinking that if we say God can not be one kind of thing we must be saying he is the other .
17 Friends of Knighton believe he is close to putting together a deal which would see at least some of the shares resold within four months of a take-over .
18 BLOODY-MINDED rivalry between America 's two biggest car makers explains at least some of their renewed interest in European producers like Jaguar and Saab , say Wall Street analysts .
19 - Nigel Lawson , Chancellor of the Exchequer ‘ Politicians are poor prophets , but the unlucky creatures have to try , because we are elected to look at least some distance ahead . ’
20 Charity takes the form of talented young illustrator David Hughes who will be touring at least some of the 17 showrooms on Saturday ( 9.30-10am Baumann Kendix ; 10.30-11.30am , Herman Miller ; 12-1pm OMK Design , 2.30-3.30pm Vitra , 4-5pm Erco Lighting ) and offering to draw gently satirical on-the-spot portraits at £25 a throw .
21 No. 4 Commando positions were being heavily mortared when I arrived , and Jock , my friend of many years ago , took me off to find some shelter in a dug-out , giving at least some protection from the flying shrapnel .
22 In one sense they are the British equivalent of political advertising on American television ‘ but they differ from such advertising in three very important ways : first , PFB broadcasting is free ( although the parties have to bear at least some of the production costs — indeed , all of the production costs if they wish to use private production facilities ) ; second , the number of PEB broadcasts is fixed by agreement between broadcasters and the parties to reflect ( roughly ) the current popular standing of the parties ( in 1987 Labour , the Liberal-SDP Alliance , and the Conservatives got exactly equal time for PEBs while other parties received very much less ) ; third , the broadcasters have insisted , against the politicians ’ wishes , that PEBs be short programmes typically ten minutes long , rather than high-impact adverts of perhaps twenty or thirty seconds ' duration .
23 Menus are totally incomprehensible unless you understand at least some of the language .
24 Kingsley Barrett , the Methodist , whom Ramsey had chosen for the faculty at Durham , wrote of his belief that a special providence must watch over the Church of England to give them at least some good bishops in spite of the deplorable method of their appointment .
25 I only mean to preface this discussion of cultural difference with an awkward question : in the world we have , is it possible for us — any of us — not to have at least some inferior others ?
26 They were willing to accept a cut in transitional benefit which would have had the effect of ‘ throwing at least some of those receiving transitional benefit upon public assistance ’ , while Henderson pressed hard for a ‘ premium ’ , a flat deduction of 1s. a week from all unemployment benefits .
27 Lord Winster , the new Minister of Civil Aviation , wrote in an annex to Addison 's paper that the government should retain at least some private investment in the airlines to profit from their interest and experience .
28 This suspicion had two causes : he felt that many of the anthropologists underrated the significance of thought , and secondly he suspected the political motives of at least some of them .
29 The omission is likely to be spotted by at least some members . ’
30 Sir Anthony goes on : ‘ The information I have been given by the joint liquidators of BCGM [ the British fund ] and BCI [ in Gibraltar ] indicates that in the period up to December 1984 there had been frequent movements of money or securities between the United Kingdom funds and the Jersey funds and , most important of all , that at December 1984 the gilt-edged securities and cash held for the Jersey funds were at least some £3.65 million less than the funds ’ obligations to investors .
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