Example sentences of "by the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 We all feel touched by the greatest gift our ancestors have handed down to us .
2 At that time we can respond by the greatest amount and at the greatest speed and we perceive it as being least difficult .
3 A barograph used to record the pressure of gas in the gasholder in Batavia enabled the times of arrival of the pressure waves from the explosions to be recorded accurately , but the blast produced by the greatest of the explosions was such that the gasholder leapt out of its well , causing the gas to escape .
4 His death in the summer of 1990 deprived the church of the service of one whose whole life was characterised by a willingness to help others , by an integrity of character universally acknowledged and by the greatest generosity and kindness .
5 There is an echo of their reaction in the moving tribute to Minkowski delivered after his premature death in 1909 by the greatest mathematician of the age .
6 The language was comprehensible only by the greatest concentration ; the issues mind-boggling ; the logic of past actions difficult to recollect and harder still to articulate .
7 What follows , while by no means comprehensive , is NME 's guide to the world blown wide open by the greatest war movies , a world we 'd like to see on TV as we wait for the next one .
8 Only Sinead O'Connor would have the courage , the reckless spirit , to take on songs made famous by the greatest singers — Ella Fitzgerald , Billie Holiday , Peggy Lee — to sing them live in front of a 47-piece orchestra , then take on organised religion and blame it for child abuse , and damn the consequences .
9 There has been some lobbying for the manuscripts now to stay exactly where they have always been , which is in the princely Hofbibliothek in Donaueschingen , surrounded by the greatest private library of printed books ( 500 incunables and 130,000 later works ) in Germany .
10 Richard Walter Jenkins Junior was to dine with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor , yet keep the common touch , be courted by Presidents and praised by the greatest Prime Minister of the century .
11 Their work can be seen as a range of attempts to deal with a shared set of problems which have perhaps been most clearly formulated by the greatest among them — by Bloch and Febvre ( the founders of the journal ) in the first generation , by Braudel in the second , and more recently by Le Roy Ladurie .
12 However , according to our first prevalence study , it was those areas characterised by the greatest levels of social deprivation that contained both the largest absolute numbers of users and the highest proportions of users .
13 For a generation of European Romantics it created the image of a nation sui generis , a natural force uncontaminated by Europe , an image consecrated by the greatest writer of nineteenth-century Spain , the novelist Galdós .
14 Who ‘ A ’ is , remains a mystery , but she is a creature of clearly inspirational beauty who has been captured with a fluidity of drawing and subtlety of palette that would be envied by the greatest masters of the French Impressionist School .
15 Cnut 's taking of a second , imperial , crown may well have been stimulated not only by a position in Scandinavia which emulated that of Swegen , but by achievements in Britain which lay firmly in a tradition established by the greatest of his royal Anglo-Saxon predecessors .
16 This was perhaps best represented by the greatest mathematician of the period , Georg Bernhard Riemann ( 1826–66 ) , whose university teacher 's thesis of 1854 ‘ On the hypotheses which underlie geometry ’ ( published 1868 ) can no more be omitted from a discussion of nineteenth-century science than Newton 's Principia can from that of the seventeenth century .
17 There are no real features — a low relief gangway here , a slashed crack there , a stiffening of angle at two thirds height seize the imagination of the guide-writer more than that of the viewing climber , who will want to go from bottom to top by the smoothest and straightest way .
18 Written by the fastest academic on the block , Manchester Poly lecturer Steve Redhead .
19 The railways had to be driven by the fastest and most convenient route .
20 Ironically , such speedups are becoming limited by the fastest thing in the universe : the speed of light .
21 This world of vibrant life and sudden death is exemplified by the fastest animal on earth- the cheetah .
22 The first is that the opponent 's punch need miss only by the smallest amount .
23 The Football League was a kind of non-pro fit-making cartel in which the power of the largest clubs was limited by the smallest .
24 Only by a stupendous act of imagination , only by actually putting myself in his skin in that room at that time can I even begin to attempt any sort of answer which moves by the smallest degree away from the natural responses of disgust and revulsion which all of us instinctively wish to express .
25 He would be deeply moved and encouraged , in his dreams , even by the smallest and most ordinary bud ; his nostrils got raw and caked with fine dirt as he knelt down and sniffed and sniffed to try and catch the first smell of green life .
26 ‘ Assuming the worst ’ means measuring each action by the smallest entry in the corresponding row .
27 The labour-intensive car-cleaning method involves either my supervising them carefully or running the risk of the paintwork being scratched by sponges full of grit because they have been dropped in the gutter , and the car bonnet dented by the smallest child climbing on it to reach the windscreen .
28 Once her engagement was announced , our bride began to wear very sober dresses , black relieved by the smallest pattern .
29 The motions which feed this east-west trend are probably exemplified by the smallest ovals of all .
30 Alternating periods of treatment with LM 's and C's are also possible remembering that the lowest degrees of potency are to be used with each new LM even if the last remedy was a high centesimal of the same remedy e.g. Sulphur 10m is followed by the lowest LM ( Sulphur LM 1 )
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