Example sentences of "do so [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Morris claimed to have done so to demonstrate the weaknesses in the network 's security system .
2 In 1965 Anthony Crossland , the Labour Secretary of State for Education , issued Circular 10/65 which requested those local authorities which had not already done so to submit to him their proposals for the reorganisation of their secondary schools along comprehensive lines .
3 It required those LEAs who had not already done so to submit to the Secretaries of State , by the end of the year , information about their plans for making their schools comprehensive .
4 The company admitted that they had done so to avoid paying the new higher taxes .
5 If you ever asked Ian to keep a debate going in committee ( while the front bench caught up ) he would do so to order and with a style 1 have never seen equalled .
6 We asked anyone who could do so to write a short statement about what the chapter was about .
7 Certainly , speakers are free to select from a wide range of surface forms in order to achieve a particular communicative purpose , and it is quite likely that they will do so to attain appropriate levels of politeness , solidarity or social distance .
8 I ask it to do so to enable the Bill to be revived in the form —
9 There is no compulsive power in this amendment , nor will supporting legislation contain any obligation on those who do not wish to do so to use the mechanism it will set up .
10 He said : ‘ I urge all those who are in a position to do so to use their influence on the men of violence from both sides of the community to end their murderous activities , and to create the only basis on which an enduring peace can be established . ’
11 Once we were appointed and established , our immediate and inescapable responsibility was to design and teach courses that would enable students of English who wished to do so to take those examinations in Modern English Language , and to pass them .
12 These so-called ‘ Less Stress Workshops ’ are designed to allow students who choose to do so to explore the coping strategies that they use to deal with the emotional issues that arise in school .
13 That he was prepared to do so to retain his position was , in itself , a sign of changing times .
14 5.13.1 If called upon to do so to produce to the Landlord or the Surveyor all plans documents and other evidence as the Landlord may [ reasonably ] require in order to satisfy [ itself ] that the provisions of this Lease have been complied with
15 As the law requiring £40 landowners to take up knighthood was seldom observed , the sumptuary acts conceded that it was reasonable for the many men who did not choose to do so to adopt the dress appropriate to the standard of living they must certainly have enjoyed .
16 In theory , the scheme is meant to help pupils who would otherwise be unable to do so to benefit from education at an independent school , but Janet Finch argues that past experience of the direct grant system ‘ would lead one to suppose that many beneficiaries of such a scheme will be middle-class children ’ .24 In 1986–7 about 24,500 pupils attended independent schools under the Assisted Places Scheme in England alone , and this transferred £43 million of taxpayers ' money to independent schools .
17 5.13.2 If called upon to do so to furnish to the Landlord the Surveyor or any person acting as the third party determining the rent in default of agreement between the parties under any provisions for rent review contained in this Lease such information as may [ reasonably ] be requested in writing in relation to any pending or intended step under the 1954 Act or the implementation of any provisions for rent review This seems quite innocuous but an unreasonable landlord could become a nuisance and apart from ensuring that " reasonably " is included , the tenant should also begin each subclause as follows : If called upon to do so ( but not more frequently than may be reasonable )
18 In addition to making an order for the child 's attendance the court may order any person who is in a position to do so to bring the child to court ( s95(5) ) .
19 I think , we ought to be taking time to try and prepare , well for the next assembly and in doing so to own what goes on there and to say , yes as the previous speaker said we are the World Church in a very real way .
20 It is not unusual for a receiver to continue to run a business while he is selling off the charged assets and in doing so to purchase goods on credit .
21 It seems to allow that , although we must begin and end with appearances , we might find it possible and advantageous in doing so to interpose conjectures about their hidden causes .
22 Those who seek to follow Jesus Christ , and in doing so to know the power and purpose of God in their lives , are called to a life of transformation .
23 Rule utilitarianism is often advocated , on grounds of fairness , as necessary to counter the excuses of the ‘ free rider ’ who does not bother to stick to a moral rule because enough others are doing so to produce its benefits .
24 IN fact planning any route that you 've made up yourself across wild land is fun , unless you 're doing so to escape from someone who is trying to kill you or lock you up .
25 This process , whilst seemingly disruptive , is more akin to unravelling or undoing a complex structure in order to better understand its make-up , but in doing so to express differences in terms of juxtapositions or comparisons , rather than seeking a unitary , univocal dimension based on hierarchical values .
26 ONe of these was the notion of compiling human knowledge as sets of ‘ rules ’ that could be manipulated and controlled by an ‘ inference engine ’ , the purpose being to combine human type reasoning with the processing speed of the computer and by doing so to provide output that was similar to that of a human expert .
27 Objective : to liberalize world trade and by doing so to raise standards of living , to ensure full employment , to expand the production and exchange of goods , and to promote economic development .
28 However it ought to be possible to bring the reasons for it out into the light , and by doing so to show that whatever may be said of Tolkien 's view of reality , it was neither escapist nor thoughtless .
29 All we and they can do is to resist the degeneration of a justified action of international collective security into a United States ' imperial ego-trip , to stop the affair getting further out of hand , and in doing so to prevent the UN , the only available base for world order , from falling into lasting discredit .
30 It is clearly necessary to find a unified and consistent explanation of all these phenomena and by doing so to find ways of doing better in the future on all three points .
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