Example sentences of "do you go " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It must be nice living here , ’ I said , changing the subject , ‘ but how d' you go on for shopping ? ’
2 Why d' you go to that blasted ship ?
3 D' you go out in the evening ? ’ asked Patrice McKechnie .
4 D' you go round and round .
5 Where d' you go ?
6 So you I mean do you so do you do you go to jumble sales at all or ?
7 Do you normally stay here or do you go away ?
8 If there 's a lot to do you go quicker and if there 's not you go slower .
9 Did you go straight from school into actor training ?
10 Did you go into drama training straight from school ?
11 ‘ Where did you go ? ’
12 What the bloody hell did you go an' marry me for if you wanted to go to London ?
13 Did you go to the office ? ’
14 ‘ Where did you go , Philip ? ’ said his Dad , his hand heavy on Philip 's shoulder .
15 Did you go to the recreation ground , or to the shops , or back to Hill View to play with Barry ? ’
16 ‘ Tell me , sir , did you go to the lecture at the Civil Engineers ' Hall that Friday ? ’
17 Did you go ? ’
18 ‘ I mean , did you go anywhere interesting ? ’
19 Did you go there today ? ’
20 ‘ Well , how did you go ? ’
21 Mom — oh , Mom — why did you go away ?
22 Peter : Why did you go backwards when I was coming to you ?
23 She 'd tried to keep the newspaper story hidden from her because she did n't want to discuss it until she 'd had more time to get her thoughts in order … but of course mother had found it and started questioning compulsively about abortion , what exactly was the law on it now , how did you get one , where did you go , what did it cost , things she must have heard Dorothy and her friends discussing a hundred times but which the newspaper report had triggered into today 's obsession .
24 Why did you go after the story in the first place if your position was n't clear ? ’
25 Did you go to the races ? ’
26 She looked up at me with a ‘ Why did you go ? ’ look in her eyes .
27 ‘ Why did you go ? ’
28 Did you go to sleep promptly ? ’
29 Did you go off too fast ?
30 ‘ How did you go to a rugby match ? ’
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