Example sentences of "do to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The second was , that the grave time-ruptures of my own age , produced by the damage done to space-time , were sending their ripples backwards .
2 It is a sad comment on our society that the Government can not see what they have done to young people and can not see the relationship between what they have done and the crime rate .
3 [ That this House regrets the Government 's failure to deal with the imminent threat of wholesale breaches of the law on Sunday trading ; expresses concern that Ministers appear to be running away from their responsibility to uphold the law as soon as one or more large commercial organisations express their intention to ignore the law ; greatly regrets the way that this situation puts pressure on responsible and law-abiding retailers to open on Sundays simply to protect their market share ; further regrets the damage that is likely to be done to small shops and family businesses as a consequence ; considers that sensible progress to modernising the law should be made on the basis of the REST proposals put forward by Keep Sunday Special ; and calls on the Government actively to pursue the regulation of Sunday trading in a way which deals fairly with employees , their families and with community and commercial interests . ]
4 I approached the service from the point of view of the consumer , as we had already done to good effect with the opticians .
5 This is warts and all film making which , though done to good effect , is hardly uplifting .
6 So , please think carefully before you take an axe to any ivy and consider the harm that may be done to countless woodland birds and insects .
7 There was a young girl had this done to greater success .
8 Costly and irrecoverable damage is continually being done to private property from sheer malice …
9 This was what war had done to innocent children , not only had it starved them of food but reduced them to be scavengers .
10 ( S. ) 71 , this called for a delicate balancing exercise between the possibility that the offender might commit further crimes in this country and the harm that might be done to innocent people if he were deported .
11 How much harm has that tyrannical maxim of Brillat Savarin 's about a meal without cheese done to all our waistlines and our digestions ?
12 It was here in Caesarea that Peter had his memorable lesson not to call any man ‘ unclean ’ — which , as a Jew , he would instinctively have done to all Gentiles .
13 Well done to all those who took part and see you again next year — and thanks to F John Smith and Varina Tootell for their organisation .
14 Well done to all QT 's who have already enrolled themselves and reminded their class members to renew membership but to date we still need over 1,000 members to meet Sports Council requirements .
15 Please accept my apologies for the damage done to one of your photos .
16 Irreparable damage might be done to one of the main tools of his trade .
17 We need to realize what we 've done to other species .
18 Nonetheless great as the good is that is done to other people , always it is the giver that is the greatest gainer .
19 Thatcher and her supporters ’ seem intent on doing to the NHS what they have done to other public services such as gas and water .
20 When we got him out and he felt refreshed and better about it , he also felt worse because he realized the harm he had done to other youngster and he set about , therefore , trying to help other parents rescue their youngsters out of it .
21 Maybe the man at the ticket barrier 'll say , ‘ Hey , love , what have you done to that beautiful hair of yours ? ’
22 My task , after having been subjected to a six months ' course to learn Russian , was to supervise the packing up of the Wilhelmshaven dockyard , and arrange its shipment back to the Soviet Union as part reparation for the enormous damage that had been done to that country by Nazi Germany .
23 This was roundly rejected by the Cork Committee who considered that the wrong done to individual creditors could well outweigh any prejudice to the community in depriving the Crown of its preference .
24 Conran acknowledges that in the face of-City rumour it is important for a group such as his to communicate to the outside world what its overall strategy is and to spell out the logic of its master plan — something he feels Storehouse might have done to better effect prior to becoming besieged by unwelcome take-over bids .
25 Feeling rather ill due to lack of visibility , we stumbled into Chalet des Pierres , just above Courchevel 1850 , and were disheartened to feel that justice could not be done to such a fantastic display of food .
26 Thank goodness we were never occupied — not so much because of what the occupiers might have done to us , but because of what we would probably have done to each other .
27 But part of her did want to repair some of the damage they had done to each other .
28 Which was crazy , she reflected as she sat there , after all the things they 'd done to each other with their bodies , and the things yet to be done .
29 Look at what we 've done to each other , er , to ourselves , in the young , in nineteen hundred , eight percent of people had heart attacks , six percent strokes , cancer , four percent , total eighteen percent .
30 Angry though the prince was about this , he was still trying to repair the damage which had been done to Russo-Bulgarian relations when Roumelian irredentists took the game out of his hands .
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