Example sentences of "do in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The four things John loves most in all the world are best done in bed : sleeping , fucking , reading , eating chocolate ice cream .
2 He stated : ‘ The husband 's connection with his wife … is done in pursuance of the marital contract and of the status which was created by marriage and the wife … has no right or power to refuse her consent . ’
3 It was under the old law if done in pursuance of the ulterior intent , not if done simply to gain access .
4 ( 5 ) Because of the exemption for anything done in pursuance of a scheme of arrangement under s153(3) ( e ) , it should in theory be possible for financial assistance proposed to be provided as part of the Court Scheme to be implemented immediately ( because the target is bound by the scheme when it becomes effective ) without the need to wait for the target to be re-registered as a private company and the private company exemption procedure followed .
5 Or that the campaign has two objectives : an information and persuasion job , to be done in TV or press , and a reminder job which may best be done in posters .
6 They will be worse for frail , elderly people , for physically and mentally disabled people , and I think people will also be asking the Tory and Liberal Democrat groups why they went for half a million pounds less than they need have done in service provision .
7 The barrister explained ( as he had done in court ) that he :
8 Despite the undoubted hardship , not only to the famous such as the hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West and other hon. Members , but to those who are known only to their families — I know from correspondence that many ordinary people suffer hardship because of what is said and done in court cases — I suggest to the House that we interfere with this at our peril , and at peril to our liberties and system of open justice .
9 It simply tells the truth ; the truth about what Liberal Democrats believe has to be done in order for Britain to succeed .
10 This is usually done in order to reassure the patient ( e.g. explaining that it is customary for a person 's interest in sex to be impaired when depressed ) .
11 It ultimately means helping counsellees to look at their current self-image , and deciding how this can be improved or modified , and what has to be done in order to do so .
12 These dilemmas involve what is given up or not done in order to care , or prioritisation of need in the family , or the sense of not caring well enough , or not doing enough to help .
13 First , prior analysis facilitates current analysis by reducing the amount of processing needing to be done in order to determine the literal meaning of a clause or sentence .
14 But he wondered if Jessamy would ever forgive him when she found out what he had done in order to try and achieve it .
15 So far , quantitative measurements have mainly been done in order to discover the nature of the emitting centres , but there is considerable scope for using emission spectra from different growth zones in crystals as ‘ fingerprints ’ in establishing carbonate cement stratigraphies ( see below ) on a more certain and detailed basis .
16 This was done in order to avoid phase separations during the incubation process .
17 Some magnetic mounts could be done in order to fully utilise all available units but with a larger proportion of the work going to the faster unit .
18 Now on the seventeenth of September Mr met Peter on the defendant 's firm er for the first time at his office , where they had er a general discussion about the business and about what needed to be done in order to secure it and er the plaintiffs at that stage told Peter that there should be er no problems over finance as he understood the bank were willing to assist and at that stage he wanted to move as quickly as possible to exchange contracts on the business erm , for two reasons .
19 This is exactly what Thamesdown media Arts have done in order to create the SWINDON DIARIES .
20 He said in a letter to shareholders : ‘ I believe that I know better than anyone what makes Amstrad operate and what needs to be done in order to secure its future .
21 This is done in Appendix C , but to anticipate briefly , the reasons depend in essence on two facts : ( a ) Whenever a property is qualified it remains a property , so that e.g. ( P P ) P reduces to P P ; ( b ) The property of an adjective can not normally be applied to another property-word but only to an E. Thus while ( P E ) P reduces from a purely structural point of view to P P , it needs to be treated as a distinct pattern when the final P is an adjective , since , unless the E can be taken into account , the structure will be literally incoherent .
22 What we 've done in North Notts is to sink some new bore-holes .
23 Speaking to venture capitalists , accountants or lawyers about business plans or any other aspect of a buy-out does not amount to working for the business and if done in working hours , may be a breach of service contract .
24 This has been done in assessment of moderately toxic adjuvant chemotherapy for early breast cancer .
25 But no liability for tort can be enforced against a Trade Union for acts done in contemplation or furtherance of a specific trade dispute ( within strict limits ) , and possibly not against other unincorporated societies .
26 This Act set out to enlarge the range of civil remedies for wrongful acts done in contemplation or furtherance of ‘ industrial disputes , ’ but through the new statutory concept of unfair industrial practices , not through the law of tort .
27 The fourth element that the plaintiff has to prove is that the acts done by her were done in reliance on or as a result of her belief that she would become entitled to the deceased 's property on his death …
28 Fear of this confusion of values was still so real for the Reverend Alexander Cruden in the late eighteenth century that , not content with defining and illustrating the term from biblical texts , he added two paragraphs of solemn warning : Yet there is a cure , if men recognize divine omniscience : Cruden is echoing Christ 's words in Luke 's gospel , as Milton had done in Paradise Lost , after describing how Satan 's disguise deceived the archangel Uriel : Drawing on a pagan tradition , Montaigne passed a similar judgement on lying : ‘ To say that a man lieth , is as much as to say … that he is brave towards God , and a Coward towards Men . ’
29 This would accord with basic notions of democracy and indeed with much of the work that has been done in user analysis .
30 Only a much less comprehensive record had hitherto been kept of business done in Parliament .
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