Example sentences of "do my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I almost feel as if I have gone on getting to know and understand her after she died , and have done my mourning as I go , whereas with my father the relationship was perfect and complete and ended with his death . '
2 Er , you know , I 'm alright , and I 've done my back now and I 'm sure it 's with coughing cos every time I cough now it really hurts !
3 Clare 's done my back
4 But now with that well I 've done my head in !
5 Chris he done my head in .
6 He done my head in so I shot him in it .
7 I 've done my share of baby care .
8 Her sidelong glance had caught a quick exchange of looks between them as if Father Devlin were silently saying , ‘ I 've done my share ; now it 's your turn . ’
9 I 've done my share of drudgery along the way — waitressing , skivvying , working in shops . ’
10 The Chianti had gone to my head a little but I was a big lad and had done my share of experimenting with alcohol before , so the intoxication was n't too hard for me to handle .
11 Done my share .
12 And I done my life saving .
13 I suppose I 've done my part to help them by writing extensively about laser weapons for New Scientist and other magazines .
14 He ought not to have died , and if I had gone with my mother to the doctor and done my part as a son , I feel as if he need not have done . ’
15 I wo n't be starting until about nine months when , after I 've done my test .
16 First of all they 're not satisfied with getting one deal a day , they 'll they 'll not sit back on their laurels and say oh I 've done my work , they 'll go out and get another two .
17 I could of done my work today though Kim and Richard came over when I was poorly she got the duster straight out she said nanny I 'll polish the furniture because I knows you get upset .
18 I 've done my diary for the
19 one Friday , having done my weekend cleaning and baked a batch of bread during the day , I hoped for a good night 's rest , but I scarcely had retired before my labour began .
20 I have n't done my history yet
21 ‘ It has n't done my reputation a whole lot of good either , ’ Polly blazed at him .
22 I believe I 've done my fluty in making this plain . "
23 Well there 's not much of them , I have n't done my shopping have I ?
24 ‘ I have n't done my bit . ’
25 I am sure I would have gone to the Crusades and done my bit , although that might just have been the racist in me or my natural desire to loot .
26 I cam away feeling better because I 'd saved myself quite a bit of money , and I 'd done my bit towards helping the environment .
27 I 've done my bit .
28 ‘ Though of course before that I 'd already done my bit : I was one of Our Lads , I was an Expeditionary , part of the Task Force that recaptured Maggie 's surrendered popularity . ’
29 I 'm heading Stateside when I 've done my bit in London .
30 I feel as if I 'll have done my bit .
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