Example sentences of "they [am/are] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In return for a cessation of violence , amnesties have been granted to the Furs and a number of them are to be co-opted onto the Government .
2 Some of them are to be found in Checkmate when the Red Pawns pick their way from square to square , whilst their Queen guides her King to his throne with tender steps .
3 There are vast differences between the two , of course ; but not all of them are to the latter 's credit .
4 As no vocal chords as we know them are to be found in the larynx , the sounds emitted probably come from the lips of the larynx .
5 The ‘ Executive ’ formulates policies , procures the passing of the necessary laws , puts the policies into effect and even , on occasion , determines the mode , if any , in which disputes arising out of them are to be determined .
6 Few of them are to be found in the top echelons of racing .
7 Surviving Japanese aircraft are few and far between , recent trends to collect and exhibit them are to be encouraged , they represent a fount of experience and knowledge that has only slightly been dipped into .
8 Molecular evidence has shown that the old concept of great apes ( family Pongidae ) , as distinct from humans ( family Hominidae ) , is no longer valid because the African apes and humans are more closely related to each other than any of them are to the orang-utan .
9 In such circumstances it is absolutely necessary that the school should have an admissions policy of some kind in order to select from all those who have expressed such preference which of them are to be accepted and which rejected .
10 Most of them are to be found in a narrow range of occupations and over half are office or secretarial workers [ see Table 2.5 ] .
11 I think every , all the benefits should definitely be means tested , I know that most of them are to a degree .
12 But , if equity shares or rights to them are to be issued in other circumstances , they first have to be offered to all equity shareholders in proportion to their holdings whether or not these were acquired as subscribers ' shares , bonus shares or pursuant to an employees ' share scheme .
13 Most of them are to be found in southern and Mediterranean Europe , an area in terms of its society and institutions closer to France than to Prussia or Russia .
14 Though most of them are to my boring straight tastes profoundly unerotic , the process is interesting none the less and I have a new hero : the Earl of Rochester .
15 Disputes under them are to be referred to arbitration , where contracts made on a particular exchange are in issue , and otherwise to the English courts .
16 Good though they are , the recipes are not central to the value of this book in the way they are to Jane Grigson 's fruit book .
17 The sexual feelings were there , and were overwhelming , as they are to many teenagers .
18 True demi-caractère dancers with a sense of comedy are still rare but they are to be found .
19 The choreographer 's problem is to select which of the movements are appropriate , when and how they are to be incorporated and what style and quality they require .
20 Thus when using glissades the choreographer must decide whether they are to be darted. and controlled by careful spacing to close in an elegant 5th position , or glided smoothly with a gentle rise and full , or danced in such a way that they give impetus to propel the dancer upwards into the step of elevation .
21 In the modern style used by choreographers , they are to an increasing extent trying to do away with all the conventions inherent in the traditional techniques of classical and other styles .
22 To condition hardboards , leave them in the room where they are to be fixed for a minimum of three days .
23 They are to be used outside under cladding .
24 If they are to be discerning consumers of political rhetoric they need not only to recognise the references but also to treat with suspicion attempts to make points through the mere mention of Suez or Munich .
25 HEALTH AUTHORITIES will be expected to adhere to the ‘ firm ’ budgets they are to be given for patients ' drugs , Kenneth Clarke , Secretary of State for Health , said yesterday .
26 These asked for an end to the current system of zero-rating goods bound for export to other EC states in favour of levying VAT on all taxable goods sold , regardless of where in the Community they are to be sold .
27 In fact , in interviews , a quick reference to the home town frequently serves them as well as a rhetorical trick : by declaring their provinciality , they can remind you just how surprised they are to be attracting so much attention all of a sudden .
28 Audiences ' large capacities for ersatz-importance show how eager they are to be deeply stirred ; how easily gulled ; how low the threshold of enjoyment must be set for music of our time .
29 In all this work , Marx , and to a lesser extent , Engels , foreshadow later anthropology and even run into the same technical difficulties concerning what term to use for pre-capitalist property systems , thereby showing how close they are to modern scholars .
30 Dampness and lack of ventilation are as welcoming to insects as they are to wood fungi and once these conditions are rectified the beetles will feel less inclined to stay .
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