Example sentences of "they [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If it wuz me lyin' there , my Ruthie 'd be ransackin' the house lookin' fer the insurance policies , t'check they wuz payed up t'date .
2 In days when guests used to go out on the hill with gillies if they were fishing a large loch , and caught undersized trout , they did n't put these small fish back ; instead , they put them in a bucket , taken along for the purpose , and carefully carried the little fish to an adjacent lochan .
3 There was a place — he recalled it now — Burkett had pointed it out to him when they were fishing on Derwent Water — a sheer cliff coming suddenly out of woods and fronting the valley .
4 They were fishing people and were obviously hard at work fashioning a new canoe .
5 They were fishing off Roches Point when Dave Scott tangled with the lively middleweight shark .
6 He proposed that decision-makers should be understood to act as if they were maximizing utility .
7 Day after day the German heavies pounded the corpses in this gully , until they were quartered , and re-quartered ; to one eye-witness it seemed as if it were filled with dismembered limbs that no one could or would bury .
8 They were quartered in a sumptuous villa next to the Roman baths and messed with their officers ( a notable departure from French Army custom ) at the best hotel in the town .
9 They were kicked senseless and then handed over to the Military Police who locked them up in the roofless regimental prison before they were handed over to the Colonel of the Regiment for interrogation and questioning .
10 Riven was already thinking of bright hearths and warm beds as they made their way along the summits , following Bicker in single file now , their mounts ' hoofs throwing up bobbles of snow that were swept away into the air as quickly as they were kicked up .
11 The two horses in front swerved as they were kicked forward , Andrew and Peter leaning half-way up their necks , shouting encouragement .
12 They were punished together by the priest in black in the crypt of the French Catholic church in Leicester Square , its sombreness relieved only by Jean Cocteau 's androgynous wall-paintings ; they were allowed no flowers and no music .
13 Duly betrayed by one of their women , they were punished ( 43.4 ) .
14 Six minutes before half time , they were punished for their shortcomings when Durrant gave Rangers the lead .
15 Well , oh yes , I 'm sure I 'm not saying that 's the only thing that controls people 's food intake I mean clearly there are things cultural some cultures , the Japanese seem to love eating raw fish , I mean how they can bring themselves to do it I do now know , I mean the raw is I do n't think I 'd want to eat again , but er erm not always if they were cooked either , but erm the , the er and certainly if you look at the Australian Aborigines even though we take the Australian Aborigines as our kind of primeval people , they have astonishing food taboos , I mean their attitudes to food are very very culturally er effective to , to a quite extraordinary extent , some so that somebody somebody discovered that eating a tabooed food by accident , they 'll get very ill , a kind of psychosomatic illness .
16 The earliest in the series of brooches is thought to be that from the cemetery at Chessell Down ; the various combinations of the design elements on the other examples in the series make it possible to suggest the sequence in which they were manufactured .
17 Watercraft have also been reconstructed to test how they were manufactured and how well they functioned , as in the recent case of Olympias , a reconstructed Greek trireme .
18 The role they were casting him in was clear , and he hated it .
19 Unless , like ITV , they were regulated , competition and economies of scale gradually reduced the number of sup-pliers and increased market share .
20 The moral faculty needed to govern the sexual instinct , organizing it on ‘ broad , well-marked mental foundations ’ .30 Chastity , continence and self-control were the highest forms of sexual development because they were regulated by reason and a knowledge of the providential laws of human nature .
21 Yeah there was about three kids three kids in a in one of these cupboards , and they were sniffing butane gas .
22 While city leaders in Leipzig held talks with reformists , reports indicated that police in Halle had made a baton attack on about 3,000 people as they were leaving a church to march in silence round the town .
23 But a young couple with a seven-year-old daughter said they were leaving for good .
24 When Mrs Hollidaye had finished her praying and they were leaving the church , she stopped at the back and showed Dot a book with writing in it .
25 I talked to some of them as they were leaving .
26 Three ministers announced that they were leaving the Government at their own request : Lord Belstead ( Ulster ) ; Mr Tim Renton ( Arts Minister ) ; and Mr Alan Howarth ( Education ) .
27 They were almost the last to leave ; as they were leaving they paused , of course , to say goodnight to Mother .
28 They were leaving to eat a curry washed down by whisky from the ex-Jesuit pal upon whose floor they were sleeping .
29 As they were leaving , Patsy asked Shanti , ‘ Well Shanti , what are we going to be ? ’
30 While exploring the question of whether bees can use information about direction gathered on the flight back from the food , we transported foragers caught as they were leaving the hive for natural sources to an artificial feeder in the middle of a large car park hundreds of metres from the hive .
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