Example sentences of "they [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 In fact it is possible to enjoy them most when one is aware of them least .
2 A confidential Ministry of Information report , written in April 1968 , revealed that the two papers owed Sh.900,000/ — to the printers , who threatened to discontinue working on them altogether unless this amount were paid and an assurance received from the Treasury that printing costs for the rest of the financial year would be met .
3 You can wash the erm , the beaters , and you can put the cream next to the other bowl and I 'll mix them altogether when I 've got the lemon juice in .
4 She watched them suspiciously as they plodded through the soft , dry sand all churned-up with trippers ’ footprints .
5 A letter card came from France , but it told them little except that he was well and a letter followed .
6 The quota , in short , forced some British filmmakers to be realistic about the economic constraints operating in British filmmaking , and to look to what could be achieved within them rather than simply hoping that film budgets could rise on some magic carpet to figures close to those of Hollywood pictures .
7 The irony for England was that had he decided differently he would have been playing for them rather than against them , for his parents had brought him from Barbados at the age of twelve to live in Reading , and he had played for England schoolboys .
8 Towards dawn , she said to his sleeping back that he loved his employers more than he loved her and if he had been half the man he thought himself , he would have left them rather than abandon her .
9 The ‘ I ’ at one and the same time transcends the body ( so that for instance we talk of our bodies as something separate from ourselves and say that we ‘ have ’ them rather than ‘ are ’ them ) and is immanent or present in the body .
10 Fitzroy Maclean and Bill Cumper , the engineer , managed to obtain a pair of small black inflatables , with the intention that the team would operate them rather than using SBS personnel .
11 The temptation to park on top of them rather than beside them was overwhelming , but then jacked-up pick-ups do that to you .
12 This gets you to concentrate on them rather than yourself and you 'll discover that even the most famous people value your compliments .
13 Respect for young readers is often expressed by working with them as distinct from working for them ; asking them rather than telling them .
14 Having said all that , you should keep your hands and nails in good condition for yourself and be proud of them rather than try to hide them away from view .
15 When children have not been warned that their parent is going to ignore them rather than shout at them the rate of their difficult behaviour may temporarily increase ( Sajwaj and Dillon 1976 ) .
16 If you find it hard to accept authority from younger nurses who may have less overall experience than you , try to explain your difficulties to them rather than allowing resentment to build up between you .
17 Such nurses need to benefit from an individual appraisal and assessment of their experience and skills so that re-entry becomes a natural progression for them rather than a hurdle to be jumped .
18 As a legal precedent section 2(5) of the 1981 Education Act was significant because it was addressed directly to governing bodies and assigned a primary role to them rather than the local authorities .
19 Some planners , for example , saw that their economic planning might be more effective if they used the price mechanism to work with them rather than against them , and Philip Chantler , the economic adviser brought into the Ministry of Fuel and Power in 1947 , consistently advocated a move to higher prices .
20 Transition through training is shown to be a process in which vulnerable young people are stratified into the slots allotted to them rather than being engaged in real decision-making about future choices .
21 Just pr producing new copies as you need them rather than produce five thousand and I think we we have sort of hundreds to throw away in the end .
22 Since the tax was paid out of the financial resources of the merchants it was quite proper to seek consent from them rather than from parliament , but the merchants were suspected , no doubt with some justification , of seeking to pass the real burden of the tax on to the producers .
23 Bruce , therefore , became a kind of guerilla leader whose main means of harming the English was to harass them rather than seek a formal confrontation with them .
24 It was felt that the main objective of the Tory government has been to discipline the unemployed and to lay the blame for their unemployment on them rather than on government economic policy .
25 He had hoped that the project would foster greater continuity between children 's experience of learning in primary school , and their experience in the comprehensive : I want to get away from [ a didactic approach ] , to the pupils taking more responsibility for work they produce and being more autonomous in the way that they do it and hoping to create more responsibility in them rather than them seeking the teacher all the time for information ; and thinking that all knowledge and information and values have to be teacher judged …
26 In addition , a study of the feasibility of devising criterion-referenced tests rather than norm-referenced ones was to be undertaken : that is , tests which give a description of the achievement of pupils who take them rather than placing the pupils in a relative order of achievement .
27 Roosevelt objected to these rules , which limited his powers in foreign policy , but he accepted them rather than have a battle with Congress .
28 But I might do it by talking to them rather than by writing to them .
29 The international economy consists of relations between these national entities and is shaped by them rather than by a world system which dominates and determines national conditions .
30 Some sociologists claim that an individual 's class position is largely achieved ; it results from their personal qualities and abilities and the use they make of them rather than ascribed characteristics such as the status of their parents or the colour of their skin .
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