Example sentences of "they [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But in any case , the best proof of the pudding is in the eating — by which I mean that any one who has tried to help young poets over the years , whether in Britain or America , knows that Ford 's and the imagists ' precepts about diction are what most of them most need to learn — no novelty , after all , since they can learn the same lessons from the preface to Lyrical Ballads , if they choose to .
2 For all their bluster about foreign conspiracy , the foreigners who worry them most live not in the United States or Western Europe but in Hungary , Poland and the Soviet Union .
3 They had just overwhelmingly repulsed an unprovoked attack by a European power , and their past history gave them little cause to regard Europeans with favour .
4 The labour movement has made hardly any use of its own scholars and intellectuals , and gives them little support , so that many drift through higher education into roles that have little relationship with their origins and aspirations .
5 He recruited two Iranian brothers who were already British agents and brought them secretly tot eh Unties States for further training .
6 The white boys admire the cheek of the black lad who nicks their Kentucky'n'chips , as well as wanting to beat him up for it , just as many of them secretly envy and try to emulate the black street style which at another level they experience as so invasive .
7 Most travellers consider them irritatingly slow over distances of more than 150 metres .
8 Although most of them rarely attend , hereditary peers could still , if they so wished , dominate the proceedings of the House of Lords , and it occasionally happens , when a matter of vital and controversial national concern , such as the abolition of hanging , galvanises them , that many more than usual attend .
9 Arboreal rodents , primates , and many other mammals take to the trees as an escape route and the majority of them rarely risk a descent to the ground unless it is vitally necessary .
10 Though if you give them enough notice they can do almost anything …
11 • After several days on this schedule they will be going to bed and getting up at their chosen time , one that gives them enough sleep during the weekdays .
12 ( The first block has given them enough experience to pinpoint their anxieties more accurately , but not enough to overcome them . )
13 All of them endlessly finish spaghetti .
14 Some of them apparently feel that the move flies in the face of the philosophy expressed in the document prepared by the task force which examined the way ahead for BBC Scotland .
15 Hundreds of them suddenly erupt from a tiny hole in the sand and start sprinting across the dune looking for the bodies of insects that may have collapsed from heat stress .
16 No I think that 's probably alright , they do have them long do n't they ?
17 Look mom , the pick of satellite films mom , I mean three of them only get two stars .
18 But again , she 's making good eye contact , both of them only let their eyes flick down to their notes to remind themselves of the next point they want to make .
19 ‘ They have issued personal protection weapons to construction workers , yet most of them only face danger for the short-term duration of their contracts , ’ he said .
20 Well the City in fact has twenty one Community Centres , most of which have bars , some of them only have small bars that open maybe once a week , others have very large bars , and especially the ones with the larger bars I think are willing to take on such a project .
21 You see some of them only live in a small cottage with no garden and that 's an extension to their home , you can go down there with the children
22 The sort of argument just presented emphasizes that large organizations are not monolithic and that attempts to tighten up the system to make them so do not necessarily yield improvements .
23 Eddie Gray is an occasional Radio 5 match commentator and does a lot of sports writing in the upmarket tabloids ( I do n't read them so do n't ask me which one ) .
24 And as they get into , as you say , power and I quite agree somebody has a talk with them so look here
25 The fingers were long , unnaturally thin , the skin on them so clear it seemed he could see right through them to the bone itself .
26 However , the basic concept of collecting and removing filth will not be affected , as any system which does not localise contaminants merely spreads them so think as to make the problem less obvious .
27 with this , a all the benefits are , you get them personally do n't you ?
28 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
29 He produced a U.S. dollar bill , took a Canadian dollar from me and a Russian five-rouble note , stuck them together end to end , had the group sign them , and dubbed me a ‘ short-snorter ’ .
30 The large numbers of retired people , the tourists , the workers in the primary industries ( mining , quarrying , fishing and farming ) and the workers in the secondary industries ( manufacturing ) — all of them together need a great many services , or tertiary industries .
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