Example sentences of "on a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Could you please help with two questions on a 1987 110 turbo diesel station wagon ? 1 .
2 Makarenko revived the military model in microcosm , and his strict pedagogical methods were adopted on a vast scale in the 1930s by Stalin , who reawakened many other lingering aspects of military-inspired government .
3 The great bulk of population movement occurred independently of Moscow in the years 1917–22 , but after the end of NEP it was to be strictly enforced , and took place on a vast scale again .
4 He reads and digests material on a vast range of topics and picks the brains of most of the leading authorities .
5 He asked : ‘ Who in the Government intends to take responsibility for this negligence on a vast scale , that is now costing vast sums of public money ? ’
6 Who in the Government intends to take responsibility for this negligence on a vast scale , that is now costing vast sums of public money ? ’
7 None came and still under the drug 's influence at dawn , he found himself looking out from the top of a forty-foot tree — he had no memory of climbing it — and looking down on a vast meadow , flecked with patterns of multi-coloured light and rocks which turned into horses , all of which filled him with ‘ tremendous emotions ’ .
8 St Michael 's Church — ‘ a gem of Baroque Moravian architecture ’ — was firmly shut and St Wenceslas Cathedral , founded in 1109 and rebuilt at the end of the last century on a vast neo-Gothic scale , was dark , impressive and so cold inside it made your head ache .
9 Their system is based on a vast number of smallholders on tiny plots of land , working with incredible skill , dedication , and thrift .
10 It could reach both upwards and downwards to pluck vegetation from all directions on a vast scale , and so lost little time ( or energy ) moving about .
11 Now she could see red houses , swimming-pools , race tracks , skyscrapers sticking up like teeth , and roads and railways so uniformly crisscross they seemed like tiles on a vast kitchen floor .
12 Such an economy was highly dependent on a vast mass of skilled labour and a greater horde of the lesser skilled .
13 It did not have to be on a vast scale , dazzling or absolute .
14 Every undergraduate astronomy student can tell you why the Sun shines : a series of nuclear fusion reactions , whose end result is the conversion of hydrogen to helium , happen on a vast scale , and release prodigious amounts of energy in the form of heat , light , X-rays and so on .
15 Owing to the fact that most of his time was spent working on a vast selection of crashed and captured German aircraft , he got to know ( and love ) them quite well .
16 The altar sits on a vast plain over which many battles have been fought .
17 Today such inferences about the origins of language can draw on a vast assemblage of data and hypotheses in neighbouring disciplines .
18 All social and economic organisms now produce documents on a vast scale .
19 Opened in 1970 by Charles Forte , now Lord Forte , the village is built on a vast estate , lavishly covered in pine woods and colourful shrubs .
20 Once inside EURO DISNEYLAND you can look forward to exhilarating non-stop fun and entertainment on a vast scale .
21 Similarly , the massive movement of earth involved in modern road construction provides little chance of survival for any archaeological site on the line of a new road ; the construction of dams usually involves earth-moving on a vast scale , and the destruction and drowning of large areas of the landscape .
22 Defries hardly noticed the lakes and the vegetation : she was studying the strange complex of structures that had been built on a vast slab of rock in the centre of the fertile valley .
23 It is on a vast scale though : Franz Schrader , the first great cartographer of these mountains , estimated that it would hold twenty million people ; modern guidebooks have cut this number churlishly , and for all I know realistically down to three million .
24 The digging of kaolin , actually decomposed granite , on a vast scale for the pottery industry produces a tortured landscape unlike any other in England .
25 For , as George Gilder has written , ‘ All of us are dependent for our livelihood and progress not on a vast and predictable machine , but on the creativity and courage of the particular men who accept the risks which generate our riches . ’
26 Criminal financial fraud on a vast scale has emerged as threat to the financial health of the community .
27 It feels like sleeping on a vast resounding shore
28 It was a large organization , estimated by some to involve 40,000 personnel , and relied additionally on a vast network of informers .
29 She wiped her lips on a vast white napkin and emptied her glass of wine .
30 The idea that one first denies to the poorer areas of Europe the opportunity to compete on costs , to move their exchange rates and to operate their fiscal policies in ways which would attract private investment , and then compensates by redistributing funds on a vast scale , is socialism at its silliest .
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