Example sentences of "on [Wh pn] the " in BNC.

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1 Right at the outset we are alerted to the tact that Mary Frith , the real-life cross-dresser on whom the play is based , is being given a more virtuous image than she in fact possessed ( dedication , ll. 19 ff. ; prologue , ll. 26 — 7 ) .
2 ATP could always come up with a few money-spinners in its annual output , but the lavish location and studio work on Whom the Gods Love , Dean 's film on the life of Mozart , irritated board chairman Sir Stephen Courtauld , who began to argue that Dean was doing too much stage work , and had alienated George Formby .
3 He is , variously , a militant secularist or a pious Muslim ; a socialist or a free-marketeer ; a proud Iraqi or a proud pan-Arabist ; the scourge of the West or the pragmatist on whom the West can safely rely .
4 The most colourful is Anthony Scrivener QC , on whom the odds are suddenly shortening .
5 To have that authority over members of the community one has to show , among other conditions imposed by the normal justification thesis , at the very least that members of the community on whom the scheme will impose some burdens have reason to contribute their share to the maintenance of the scheme .
6 While he was not typical , the notorious sadist , Lieutenant Colonel Muraviev , one of the former Tsarist officers on whom the Red Army was obliged to rely , vowed to hold the Ukraine by fire and the sword .
7 The royal ritual was closely associated with the history of Osiris , the divine prototype on whom the pharaohs modelled themselves by re-enacting his traditional deeds .
8 One such was a striking clock designed by Giovanni de' Dondi 's father Jacopo , on whom the surname ‘ del Orologio ’ was conferred .
9 Alton played as a team on whom the schedule was taking its toll .
10 This was because the scientific elite of the Athenaeum , on whom the correspondents relied , were well aware that research on controlled thermonuclear reactions was already being furtively pursued in a few British laboratories .
11 The pope was father in God to the Romans , and to all men ; he was St Peter in person , the earthly representative of the apostle on whom the fame and fortune of the city most depended ; but he was also a petty tyrant — one of the ancient rulers who had failed to go away ; the symbol of all that was alien to the new found liberty so loved by the Italian city dwellers of the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
12 rankled with the Caribbean public on whom the social and political significance was not lost .
13 At this time Moggach met the man on whom the character of Mac in the book is based , and as she recalls it : ‘ I became very rebellious and sort of opted out . ’
14 He seemed more brusque and hostile than on the previous day , a man whose nerves were beginning to fray , a man on whom the pressure was mounting and who had decided to exert some pressure of his own .
15 Figaro , now promoted to personal valet , is to marry the countess 's vivacious maid Susanna , on whom the count has dishonourable designs .
16 This has been defined as ‘ systematic and continuous abuse of an elderly person by the carer , often though not always a relative on whom the elderly person is dependent for care ’ ( Cloke , 1983 , p. 2 ) .
17 One on whom the sun played even through the bed of snow cloud over the roofs of the Administration block .
18 Alongside the experts from the Commission for Restitution there will be input from representatives of the outside nations involved , and from the departments on whom the fate of the collections to a large extent depends the Ministry of Justice , the Ministry of Finance , the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Security .
19 Furthermore , the conclusions reached through therapeutic work with some patients can not be generalized to all mankind , or to human beings in very different cultural and social circumstances from those on whom the therapy was carried out .
20 When transmitted , the letter must be accompanied by certain other documents , intended for delivery to the person on whom the process , summons or subpoena is to be served , and all must be translated into the official language of the state of destination .
21 After 1789 , Bentham , who was among that distinguished band of foreigners on whom the Revolution conferred honorary French citizenship , saw that the people were capable of acting politically for themselves , and was converted to the general principle of political democracy .
22 SDP left-wingers were more neutralist and anti-American than their leaders , and anxious to see more radical domestic reforms but Brandt feared that greater radicalism would alienate the FDP , on whom the SDP still depended in the Bundestag .
23 Like Hannay , Chesterton would adapt quickly to the strangeness of his new environment , evolving into a pillar of strength on whom the audience knew they could depend in times of crisis .
24 In Whitaker 's character brief to writers , Ian was stipulated as being a teacher of applied science , a 27-year-old graduate from an English ‘ red brick ’ university on whom the Doctor 's teenage companion might have a crush .
25 Whereas rates were indirectly related to income , or at least past income ( in that they were proportional to the value of the home in which people lived ) , the poll tax will take no account of the financial circumstances on whom the tax is levied .
26 By their reasons the justices stated that the girl would continue to be liable to sexual abuse if allowed to return to her family as the mother refused to recognise the responsibility of the father for that abuse and that the mother would not protect the girl from the father on whom the mother was emotionally dependent ; that they had considered that the girl might be cared for by her half-sister but had concluded that it would be difficult to prevent contact between the girl and her father ; that they had formed the view that contact between the girl and her father would be harmful at the present time and therefore the local authority should refuse such contact until the review by the local authority in six months time ; and that there should be supervised reasonable contact between the girl and her mother and between the girl and her half-sister .
27 Section 40(1) allows the Bank of England 's officers to enter the premises of a person on whom a section 39 notice has been served for the purpose of obtaining the information or documents required , with no protection of reasonable excuse accorded to the person on whom the notice was served ; indeed any obstruction will , under subsection ( 3 ) , expose that person to the risk of prosecution .
28 Between these officials and the mass of the peasantry were the mainly urban-dwelling traders , merchants and manufacturers , on whom the feudal obligations ( which bore heavily on the country folk ) were somewhat lightened .
29 But in one of those reeds is hidden a girl on whom the starry sky would gaze with smiles , for she is the most beautiful creature on the whole round of the earth . "
30 Luckily the ambassador had with him his master 's ring ; by the light of the diamond in it , he was able to see Roksanda , and he returned to tell Doushan that she was indeed a girl on whom the heavens might smile .
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