Example sentences of "on [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 Certainly I always tried to remember the shocking effect which the sight of so many old prisoners , some of them bearded , all of them strangely dressed , had had on me the first time I arrived in a main camp .
2 I was a fool but nobody impressed on me the need to save .
3 With a high sense not only of justice but of dramatic effect he informed the judge that the only courses open to him were ‘ either to resign your post , or inflict on me the severest penalty if you believe that the system and law you are assisting to administer are good for the people ’ .
4 Enlightenment was urged on me the day I saw the old Jew float to the surface of the deep latrine , how he splashed and struggled into life , and was hoisted out by the jubilant guards , his clothes cleansed by the mire .
5 ‘ Erin pronounced on me the Draoicht Tinneas Siorai .
6 ‘ And then set your thugs on me the first time my back 's turned .
7 I noticed he had a slight limp ; I recalled the attack on me the previous day and the wounds I had unwittingly inflicted , but decided to keep the matter to myself .
8 It might bring down on me the wrath of Motherdear . ’
9 He urged on me the need to embark on a full-sized book , and to send him a synopsis as soon as possible .
10 ‘ Did you care when you walked out on me the day that you told me about the notes and the wine glass , and then Rebecca came back to the office ?
11 I do not arrogate to myself a knowledge superior to that of the professionals , but I have had imposed on me the obligation to exercise a quasi-judicial function in assessing applications .
12 ‘ It had the same effect on me the first time I saw it at night . ’
13 yes , it also er imposes on me the obligation of course erm under G of article three does n't it ? which I imagine , but you can tell me if I 'm wrong Mr is the one , is probably the one article erm , part of the article under which such things is the insurance directive is er produced , but I maybe wrong
14 I said do n't put so much onion on me the bloody things are repeating on me !
15 ‘ I felt like Coleridge 's Ancient Mariner , who waylays on the street the wedding guests going to the feast , inflicting on them the story of his misfortune . ’
16 I impressed on them the need to bring independence to Namibia and progress in South Africa .
17 No wonder they 're touchy when you pick on them the way you do . ’
18 Always hovering like a vulture around the vulnerable , pressing on them the drinks and fattening foods to make all his dreams come true .
19 Also the fold singularities in regions II and III that have a topological character , are quasiregular singularities since on them the curvature tensor is zero .
20 Training is now provided for the BVetMed degree , entitling graduates to be registered as members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons , which confers on them the title of veterinary surgeon and the sole right to practise as such .
21 And some companies are of such eminence in the world that , for an appropriate emolument , retired politicians , diplomats and higher civil servants are more than happy to bestow on them the benefits of the business acumen and personal probity for which they are rightly renowned .
22 In the 1880s there had begun to run on them the transcontinental luxury expresses which were to dominate long-distance land travel until the second world war .
23 However , people 's capacity for perceiving themselves in this way is not innate ; it is acquired within a framework of established social practices which impose on them the role ( forme ) of a subject .
24 Even if Popper 's claims for ‘ World Three ’ and Olson 's for ‘ autonomous text ’ were valid — and Rommetveit 's work casts further doubt on them the world which they are striving for would be an impoverished one and the ‘ knowledge ’ which could be stored in it would be narrow and limited .
25 He was a quiet , wise , friendly man who ran his hall with a minimum of rules and regulations , treating undergraduates as adults and impressing on them the need for courtesy and consideration in their dealings with one another , and with the domestic staff .
26 The principal effect of referring to rules of private international law to extend the scope of a Convention would seem to be to displace a possible presumption that the parties , in choosing the law of a Contracting State , intended only its domestic law to apply ( that is , without the Convention ) and to impose on them the onus of displacing the Convention .
27 ‘ Pauper … rip off the clothes … starve them … whip the flesh … see on them the scars they 've given … ’
28 The Seerucken hills rise at the back , and on them the forts of Neuberg ( 1270 , now a ruin ) and Liebenfels ( 1254 ) bear witness to wars and feuds now forgotten .
29 The inconsequential and bawdy mimes proved difficult to unravel but Knox was determined to succeed , exercising on them the scholarship combined with inspired guesswork which was to be his forte in his future career .
30 Will he ask his right hon. Friends the Home Secretary and the Secretary of State for the Environment to bring that home to the support services and the district decision-takers in South Yorkshire and to urge on them the prior claim of South Yorkshire police at this time ?
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