Example sentences of "on [art] few " in BNC.

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1 Instead , George concentrated his efforts on the few remaining furry areas on an otherwise bare bear .
2 Burdened by hindsight , by a chronic fear of becoming bloated and self-indulgent , this indie generation tries to freeze-flame development at the point just before ‘ it all went wrong ’ , and so turns its back on the few things that went right .
3 On the few occasions when I had ventured a criticism , he always picked on some word or expression I used to prove his point , claiming that it was a subconscious betrayal of my true nature and my real thought .
4 On the few occasions when parents have taken their grievances over sex discrimination to the courts , the question has concerned school admissions and single-sex schooling , which was discussed in Chapter 4 in the context of parental choice .
5 On the few occasions that he had gone down to The priory with the lad , his parents had treated him as one of the family .
6 As I understood , he was asleep for much of the time , and indeed , I found him so on the few occasions I had a spare moment to ascend to that little attic room .
7 On the few occasions I have met him it has been very difficult for me not to let slip something about you .
8 The group 's sound engineer , Mike Stout , deputised and also stood in on the few occasions Solowka chose to attend Leeds United matches instead of gigs .
9 There is paper everywhere , some spread all around the office in every conceivable place and untidily on the few shelves available .
10 I walked the glen many times , and looked back on the few trees , lying far in the hollow , that grow near the place where the massacre is said to have begun ; while on either side were deep rock-lined , tree and fern-fringed chasms , leading into seclusions and bleak mountain summits , one could spend long hours exploring .
11 Even today weather reports are sometimes incorrect owing to the vagaries of our climate , but then , with the whole of western Europe blanked out ( thanks to Hitler ) , together with most of Ireland , we were very dependent on the few Atlantic weather ships and ( eventually ) our own trained eyes to tell us what was coming .
12 On the few occasions when the wind was not blowing a gale , the fog descended like a shroud .
13 It became known that we were perilously short of hay because the haytiming on our pastures had been very poor that summer and it was impossible to bring enough in on the horse-drawn sledge on the few occasions we were able to get out .
14 There were dances in the Hut by the Strathmore Arms and when we grew up a bit and thought our fathers would n't find out we would nip into the Strathmore Arms for a pint , on the few occasions we could afford .
15 He was perfectly amiable to her on the few occasions when they did meet ; sometimes she even felt that he liked her .
16 Alice never spoke of him except casually but on the few occasions , like last night 's dinner party , when she had seen them together they seemed to have the intuitive mutual awareness , an instinctive response to the other 's needs , more typical of a long-standing successful marriage than of an apparently casual fraternal relationship .
17 On the few occasions that Tamar had come down to the farm , or visited her mother and Elizabeth in the market , she had chosen Goody to drive her .
18 On the few occasions when she had been compelled to enter the water , she had stayed in the very shallowest part of the pool and had never for a moment released her grip on the handrail .
19 On the few occasions on which she and Hugh had met since that time , neither of them had ever said a word about that holiday .
20 Stereo sound , which can be dubbed separately , is available on the few machines which feature the alternative PCM system of audio recording .
21 Young lovers strolled quietly beneath the trees , or sat together on the few wooden benches , daring to snatch the odd , discreet kiss or embrace .
22 He used to work as a policeman and , on the few occasions when he was in extreme danger , automatically did whatever had to be done without any thought for his own safety .
23 THE generally held belief that the marriage of Diana and Charles has broken down seems to depend on photographs of the couple on the few occasions on which they appear together in public .
24 He was impressed by her intelligence and , on the few occasions when he asked her opinion , by the growing assurance of her taste .
25 It was n't that the Captain had anything specific to ask him , but on the few occasions they had worked together the Marshal had always had something helpful to offer .
26 The wind resistant Tactel and Ebyl Thermovelours fleece helped keep me snug and warm on the few chilly days we 've had this summer .
27 On the few occasions when a particularly serious accident involving great loss of life or a very large aircraft occurs , the Secretary of State will order a public inquiry .
28 The interest is simply focused on the few individuals who commit several serious atrocities .
29 In order to understand the press reporting of rape trials we need to concentrate on the few cases which got enormous publicity in 1985 .
30 Apple is still expected to proceed with the tattered case on the few elements that were not thrown out , including the idea of using a picture of a dustbin to signify deletion of a file and the way Windows handles type fonts .
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