Example sentences of "do [prep] fact " in BNC.

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1 However little he may have done in fact , it was enough to blacken his reputation in future among the nationalists .
2 It was done in fact by a brilliant military er tactic er and indeed the Americans succeeded in throwing the North Koreans back over the Yalob the river Yalob So up to that point limited force had been used to achieve a political objective , the objective was to s s to erm contain communism wherever communism looked like spilling over into other countries , non-communist countries .
3 If the trustees have power to pay or do in fact pay capital transfer tax due on assets which the settlor puts into the settlement the Revenue have taken the view that the settlor has thereby an interest in the income or property of the settlement , and that the income of the settlement should be treated as his for income tax purposes under [ TA 1988 Part XV ] .
4 The Board of Inland Revenue have therefore decided that they will no longer , in these circumstances , treat the income of the settlement as that of the settlor for income tax purposes solely because the trustees have power to pay or do in fact pay capital transfer tax on assets put into settlements .
5 However , once granted that one can not infer what to do from fact alone , there seems to be no flaw in the argument .
6 My father did in fact sneak up to see me a few days later .
7 The years 1921–2 did in fact cover one of the worst periods in the economic fortunes of the Smolensk guberniia .
8 He did in fact inspect the port of Petrograd in late June .
9 We did in fact get through a very major reduction at Bournville without any forced redundancies .
10 We were both strong healthy girls at the time , and thought nothing of the dream ; it was just a curiosity ; but she did in fact die two years later — very suddenly , very unexpectedly , of an infection .
11 There is good photographic evidence to suggest that Day Comet did in fact finish third , but the Epsom judge that day was the same Charles Robinson who had controversially denied Craganour the Two Thousand Guineas , and he placed Day Comet fifth .
12 Meese did in fact call while they were there , to set up an interview with North for the next day , Sunday : the interview in which he was to be confronted with the memorandum .
13 By contrast in Kufra people did acknowledge circumstances in which they might have to unite with their enemies ; in 1978 they did in fact do so .
14 ‘ Suppose then , ’ I said , ‘ that she did in fact have a thing about Harry .
15 Nevertheless Fraser McLuskey 's account of air crashes does suggest that the Maquis or the local French population in general would soon have known of planes which had come down in their territory , and that the Germans , when told of wrecks , did in fact bury the crews in identifiable graves .
16 In 1957 just such an accident did in fact occur at a high-level nuclear waste dump at Kyshtym , in the Ural Mountains , when the cooling system failed in a concrete vessel containing eighty tonnes of highly active liquid waste .
17 Nevertheless , I think you will understand that to one not accustomed to committing such errors , this development was rather disturbing , and I did in fact begin to entertain all sorts of alarmist theories as to their cause .
18 The Divisional Court found that the by-laws did in fact adversely impinge upon just such rights .
19 Lowes did in fact trace many of the images unerringly to their source ; and what was even more interesting was how Coleridge 's mind took the raw material of some explorer , and twisted it and mixed it with many other ideas to produce the incomparable poetry of The Ancient Mariner and Xanadu .
20 This resource was fully realised by the Home Office who recommended that deaf men should be recruited as Air Raid Wardens ( A.R.P 's ) and firewatchers , and many deaf men did in fact serve in these capacities , and also as stretcher-bearers in air-raid conditions .
21 It is at least likely that they did in fact fail to keep their ideology to themselves .
22 The Unwins , rosetted , were showing uninhibited pleasure in Upper Gumtree , who did in fact have a nice face , and was n't unacceptably sleepy .
23 The Nissan Cherry did in fact belong to Capital Fire Protection at Blacknest Industrial Estate .
24 In 1935 , after the Murrells débâcle and the dawning realization that very little which could be described as administration had gone on in Masai District , the Tanganyika government did in fact begin to give some serious thought to the type of man which should be sent there .
25 When I regressed her , Eileen did in fact describe to me a happy , boisterous childhood with her sister and her six brothers — all of whom took great delight in spoiling their baby sister .
26 Or the jurors could have taken the path they did in fact elect , which was to go to the very heart of the matter and conclude that these officers were only doing what they have been trained to do and that all the famous video footage demonstrated was that they had indeed gone by the book .
27 Retirement and Dorothy 's influence did in fact restore Wordsworth after the period of revolutionary storm and stress .
28 Older cars were used because of the fear of souvenir hunters and vandalism , which did in fact occur when the cars stopped outside Thornton Heath depôt .
29 If the Court did in fact have jurisdiction over whether s 485 could be invoked , it ought to exercise its discretion to refuse to hear the summons .
30 The birth was fine , the bonding process took a couple of days longer , and I felt such a surge of energy rushing back into my system that I decided to open a shop at the end of the first week , and did in fact do so six weeks after the birth .
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